ISC 2016 Parent Information Session
What is BYOD? BYOD means Bring Your Own Device.
What is BYOD? BYOD means Bring Your Own Device. BYOD is becoming an increasingly common option for students across schools around Australia.
What is BYOD? BYOD means Bring Your Own Device. BYOD is becoming an increasingly common option for students across schools around Australia. The difference between BYOD and other models, such as lease options, is that the device is privately purchased and owned by the student / parents.
What is BYOD? BYOD means Bring Your Own Device. BYOD is becoming an increasingly common option for students across schools around Australia. The difference between BYOD and other models, such as lease options, is that the device is privately purchased and owned by the student / parents. This allows for a much wider choice for students / parents in the device that they invest in.
Our current technology provision includes a number of specialist computer labs and class sets of netbooks that can be booked by classroom teachers. Individual netbooks are also available for loan to students through the Library. This provision will continue alongside the BYOD program. Students are unable to access these school owned devices outside of school hours.
Why BYOD? Having their own device will give students the opportunity for ‘anywhere, anytime’ learning. Students will be using a device that they are familiar with. Students will have the opportunity to further develop their digital literacy and other 21 st Century learning skills - skills that will be increasingly important as the future workplace adapts and changes.
Why BYOD? At ISC, we currently have an increasing number of teachers creating their own class blogs, using online tools such as Google Docs for creation and collaboration and taking advantage of other technologies, including 3D printing and ebooks / digital textbooks. The work set by teachers will include: conducting research, authoring a range of texts (including audio and visual material), communicating and collaborating with others and developing communication and information skills.
Some examples…
Involvement in the BYOD program is voluntary. All students will be able to access our school owned netbooks and desktop computers if required.
ISC… Involvement in the BYOD program is voluntary. All students will be able to access our school owned netbooks and desktop computers if required. Students / parents will be able to choose what device they would prefer to purchase – however, due to technical or educational constraints, not all devices are supported.
ISC… Involvement in the BYOD program is voluntary. All students will be able to access our school owned netbooks and desktop computers if required. Students / parents will be able to choose what device they would prefer to purchase – however, due to technical or educational constraints, not all devices are supported. Android devices, smartphones, gaming consoles and iPod touches are not supported.
ISC… iPads, some tablets (not Android devices), netbooks and laptops are all supported devices. It is recommended that tablets have a dockable keyboard / mouse option.
ISC… iPads, some tablets (not Android devices), netbooks and laptops are all supported devices. It is recommended that tablets have a dockable keyboard / mouse option. We will not be able to set up printing directly from iPads and other tablets due to technical issues.
ISC… iPads, some tablets (not Android devices), netbooks and laptops are all supported devices. It is recommended that tablets have a dockable keyboard / mouse option. We will not be able to set up printing directly from iPads and other tablets due to technical issues. All compatible BYOD devices will be set up to allow remote access to our school’s internal system. This includes access to the eduSTAR software.
ISC… Students will be able to access the school’s system both at school and at home – as long as they have a reliable internet connection. This means that students will have access to systems including Oliver (our Library system), the student portal (Xuno), Echo Education and resources on the College website.
ISC… Things to consider when purchasing a device: –The device is suitable for being transported to and from school and between classes.
ISC… Things to consider when purchasing a device: –The device is suitable for being transported to and from school and between classes. –Ensure that it has a screen size of 10” or larger (not relevant for tablets)
ISC… Things to consider when purchasing a device: –The device is suitable for being transported to and from school and between classes. –Ensure that it has a screen size of 10” or larger (not relevant for tablets) –That the device has a warranty period of two years or more
ISC… Things to consider when purchasing a device: –The device is suitable for being transported to and from school and between classes. –Ensure that it has a screen size of 10” or larger (not relevant for tablets) –That the device has a warranty period of two years or more. Check to see if the device can be covered under insurance / accidental damage cover.
ISC… Things to consider when purchasing a device: –The device is suitable for being transported to and from school and between classes. –Ensure that it has a screen size of 10” or larger (not relevant for tablets) –That the device has a warranty period of two years or more. Check to see if the device can be covered under insurance / accidental damage cover. –That the battery has a life of at least 6 hours.
ISC… Students will be expected to keep their device safe by using a protective sleeve or carry case when transporting it. Students will be expected to provide a lock for their locker. Student will be expected to have the device either with them or in a secure place, such as a locked locker, at all times at school.
Process & Timeline Information on the BYOD program will be sent home in information packs (incoming Year 7 students) or in Course Information Booklets
Process & Timeline Information on the BYOD program will be sent home in information packs (incoming Year 7 students) or in Course Information Booklets All students will need to return a completed BYOD Expression of Intention form. This will assist us in planning for next year and for ensuring a smooth process in setting up of devices. All students will also need to return a completed Acceptable Use Agreement.
Process & Timeline Current Year 7, 8 and 9 students will be able to bring their devices in to school in the final two weeks of the 2015 school year for their device to be set up. Incoming Year 7 students, new enrolments and students with new devices will be able to bring their devices in to school in the first two weeks of the 2016 school year for their device to be set up.