Mrs. Berry Phone: x3610
Creating Web sites using ◦ Dreamweaver ◦ CSS (Cascading Style Sheets)
Daily Attendance ◦ Each lesson will build upon the previous lesson. Therefore, it is very important to be in class ◦ Unless you have Adobe Dreamweaver at home, you will need to complete all assignments in class Make-up work ◦ Needs to be completed within 2 weeks of due date. ◦ Up to you to get it done Tardies ◦ Must have a tardy slip before coming back to class
Assignments ◦ Daily assignments are worth 30 points each Tests ◦ Each test will be worth 100 points ◦ Final project will be worth 400 points A: 90 – 100 B: 80 – 90 C: 70 – 80 D: 60 – 70 F: 0 – 59
Must be very careful with food and drinks in the computer lab No games at any time No downloading files unless instructed to do so by the teacher
No internet usage for anything other than for school purposes No streaming of music/videos You may bring in your own mp3 player and listen to music. You may not stream music or videos off of the internet.
No use of chat rooms or social media (facebook, etc.) No cheating 1st offense - “0” on the assignment for both the cheater and the “cheatee” No pornography or inappropriate pictures allowed on computer Violation: Loss of internet privileges and classroom suspension for the remainder of the school year.
No tank tops or “bro tanks” No undergarments showing (bra straps, boxers…) No hats Shorts and skirts must be a “reasonable” length. No inappropriate t-shirts (pictures, sayings….) No low cut tops or low hanging pants