University of Palestine Faculty of Applied Engineering and Urban Planning Software Engineering Department Prepared By Ahmed Obaid Wassim Salem Supervised By Al Tybe Fewzy Fariza El Sharif Supervised By Dr: Mohammed Mikii
INTRODUCTION The Help Desk Support System The Help Desk Support System is used for the logging, tracking and reporting of all requests received by the Help Desk from clients through special forms. report on errorsproblemsupport needed software failurehardware problems Clients will be able to report on errors, problem, support needed, software failure, hardware problems...etc When the client submits the online form, it will create a ticket for the help desk administrator and they will pass the ticket to a technician to address the problem. The designed system can be used as a generic system, and therefore can be easily adopted to fit with the needs of other stakeholders, companies and institutes.
Architectural Strategies The following tools have been used to develop the system: MySQL: MySQL: is the database where all information/data related to requests, records, logs is stored. PHP: PHP: is the programming language used to develop the system to enable it to be web-based application. PHP is considered the link used to connect users to databases through a user-friendly interface. Additionally, WAMP Server application was used as a local server to host PHP files to generate them. Adobe Dreamweaver CS5 Adobe Dreamweaver CS5: is an easy-to-use software application used to create and manage web pages. It offers many features to help develop professional layout in a few easy steps much easier than HTML. Servers: Servers: is the place that hosts all project code.
Policies and Tactics The software will be developed using Dreamweaver CS5, and programmer notepad. We have plans to maintain this system even after the end of the semester. We extend our sincere thanks to the Power-link for hosting our system on Power-link servers.
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