Kappa Alpha Order Excellence Is Our Aim! By Chris Paul
Why KA? Simply put; It’s amazing.Simply put; It’s amazing. Great friends/Networking.Great friends/Networking. Character Development.Character Development. LeadershipLeadership ServiceService
Issues I have a Mac. I attempted Dreamweaver and became frustrated and was forced to use a PC.I have a Mac. I attempted Dreamweaver and became frustrated and was forced to use a PC. Background pictures were tiling - not the desired effect. Difficulty formatting.Background pictures were tiling - not the desired effect. Difficulty formatting.
What to Expect Links to both the national website and our own Beta Omega Chapter.Links to both the national website and our own Beta Omega Chapter. ProposalProposal KA RosterKA Roster Rush VideosRush Videos Knight AppletKnight Applet Home PageHome Page