Seattle Community College District’s Summer Institute 2003: Developing Effective Online Learning Who are we? How did we get here? What will we do? What happens next? Will I work hard? Will I have fun?
A District adVenture: The “Summer Institute” Weeklong web development workshop for faculty Started 1997 Originated at NSCC District sponsorship since 2001 Project driven Faculty directed NSCC coordinated
Technological tools: A variety of learning “coursewares” First Class Front Page Dreamweaver WebCT Blackboard
Pedagogical applications: The Online Learning “Spectrum” Fully online: off-site “distance” classes Primarily online: off-site “convenience” classes (with on-campus orientation and testing) Hybrid: online and on- site combined classes Web “enhanced” or “assisted” on-site: class use of online discussion room, online syllabus, online assignment updates, etc.
Learning from one another...
The “Summer Institute” Team: Co-Directors: Tom Braziunas, Diane Hostetler, Jean Kent, Michael O’Neill Planning & Action Team: Coryl Celene- Martel, Joanne Fall, Carol Howe, Katherine McDermott, Jacque Mundell, Sara Newman, Pamela Wilkins, presenters, panelists, mentors Information Tech Team: Tom Bates, Sam Bayne, Michael Lilliston, Deirdre Peters… Facilities Team: Wally Fosmore, Marc Eskenazi, Jeff Caldwell… Logistics Team: Mabel Zia, Erik Braziunas
Going back to our campuses… NSCC Support Team : Teaching & Learning Center (Coryl Celene-Martel), Distance Learning Support Service (Tom Braziunas), IT Services (Tom Bates) SCCC Support Team: Distance Learning Department (Queenie Baker), IT Services (Harriet Wasserman) SSCC Support Team: Teaching & Learning Center (Pamela Wilkins), IT Services (Dennis Colgan) SVI Support Team: Dennis Kamarainen, …
And exactly who ARE we? 50 faculty from 3 college campuses and SVI New to and experienced in online learning “Technologists” and NOT. But say some more!