Ruth Adams Building
Dead bird...not OSHA approved
Aid Conditioner (held up by a plank of wood outside), surrounded by paper, with its cord dangling behind a running radiator
(a)(1) Handling. Portable equipment shall be handled in a manner which will not cause damage. Flexible electric cords connected to equipment may not be used for raising or lowering the equipment. Flexible cords may not be fastened with staples or otherwise hung in such a fashion as could damage the outer jacket or insulation.
Indoor Air Quality Issues Sick Building Syndrome
These concerns are not just relevant to office workers but also to maintenance and other nonindustrial workers that work in indoor environments. For example, comment responded that "[i]n our closed, indoor work environments, air quality is a very real health and safety concern to professional painters. I have seen firsthand otherwise healthy men and women pass out or get violently ill as a result of being exposed to indoor air contaminants." Comment responded "[o]ur locals have encountered air- pollution problems ranging from ink mist and photocopier emissions to asbestos and microbial disease.
(((( aaaa )))) (((( 3333 ))))Exit routes must be free and unobstructed. No materials or equipment may be placed, either permanently or temporarily, within the exit route. The exit access must not go through a room that can be locked, such as a bathroom, to reach an exit or exit discharge, nor may it lead into a dead-end corridor. Stairs or a ramp must be provided where the exit route is not substantially level.
Security, please do not lock room
(a)(3) To facilitate cleaning, every floor, working place, and passageway shall be kept free from protruding nails, splinters, holes, or loose boards
(a)(3) To facilitate cleaning, every floor, working place, and passageway shall be kept free from protruding nails, splinters, holes, or loose boards
water leakage on furnishings or within building components can result in the proliferation of microorganisms that can release acutely irritating substances into the air. Typically, where microorganisms are allowed to grow, a moldy smell develops. This moldy smell is often associated with microbial contamination and is a result of VOCs released during microbial growth on environmental substrates [Ex. 4-41]
(a)(4)(ii) All sweepings, solid or liquid wastes, refuse, and garbage shall be removed in such a manner as to avoid creating a menace to health and as often as necessary or appropriate to maintain the place of employment in a sanitary condition (c)(1)(iii) The sewage disposal method shall not endanger the health of employees.
(a)(3) Openings into an exit must be limited. An exit is permitted to have only those openings necessary to allow access to the exit from occupied areas of the workplace, or to the exit discharge. An opening into an exit must be protected by a self-closing fire door that remains closed or automatically closes in an emergency upon the sounding of a fire alarm or employee alarm system. Each fire door, including its frame and hardware, must be listed or approved by a nationally recognized testing laboratory. Section (c)(3)(iv)(A) of this part defines "listed" and § of this part defines a "nationally recognized testing laboratory."