Contingency Management Positive Reinforcement, Contracting, and Token Economies
Contingency Management n Contingency – a precise definition of the limits and range of response topographies that will produce – a specified consequence and – the environmental situation n Management – external control of events n Contingency Management – the external management of environmental stimuli that serve as reinforcers for behavioral performance
Contingent Positive Reinforcement
Positive Reinforcement n The process of reinforcing an appropriate target behavior in order to increase the probability that the behavior will recur – it is responsive to the child's natural need for attention and approval – it decreases the probability that the child will exhibit inappropriate behavior in an effort to obtain needed attention
Essential Rules when using Positive Reinforcement n FIRST – when a child is initially exhibiting a new appropriate behavior, it must be positively reinforced each time it occurs n SECOND – once the target behavior is established at a satisfactory rate, the child should be reinforced intermittently
Steps in the Use of Positive Reinforcement l Carefully select a target behavior (do not attempt to reinforce every positive behavior a child exhibits l Observe the child's behavior to ascertain when he or she engages in the behavior l During the initial stage, reinforce the behavior immediately after it is exhibited l Specify for the child the behavior that is being reinforced l When reinforcing, speak with enthusiasm and show interest in the child's behavior l When appropriate, the practitioner may become involved in the child's behavior, that is, give the child help l Vary the reinforcer Shea & Bauer, 1987
Contingency or Behavioral Contract
n an agreement that specifies a contingent relationship between the completion of a specified behavior and access to, or delivery of, a specified consequence n quid pro quo agreements n explicit and negotiated n verbal or written
Basic Components of a Contract n Task – who – what – when n Consequence – who – what – after – how much n Task Record
contract This is to certify that: George Haus Will: complete and turn in his daily in-school spelling exercise. For completing: completion of work pts. on-time turning work in pts. grade of % pts % pts % - 50 pts % - 25 pts. 0-59% - 5 pts. Points may be spent on FRIDAY of each week. ______________ teacher ______________ student ______________ contract dates official George Haus Mr. Bingo Jan 1 - Jan 30 1,000 pts. = special privilege PASS CARD 500 pts. = Percent Ticket 100 pts. = 5 free minutes
How do Contracts Work n Positive Reinforcement – addition of something wanted n Negative Reinforcement – removal of something not wanted n Rule-Governed Behavior – specificity generalizes to reality
Desirable Aspects of Contingency Contracting l a positive reward-based management system l a way for teachers to individualize contingencies l help teachers and parents remain consistent l a good method for involving parents and significant others in the student's program l encourages active participation and self-determination by the student l can be used to teach independence and self-control l a fairly simple behavior change intervention that can be implemented by non professionals l participants usually like it
Essential Elements of a Contract l Task description is present l Described task is observable l When the task will be accomplished is indicated l How much of the task or how well a task will be performed is indicated l Reward description is present l When the reward will be delivered is indicated l How much of the reward will be delivered is indicated l Reward is indicated to occur at a time after the task has been completed l Amount of reward is appropriate for the task
Token Economy
n behaviors to be reinforced are identified and defined n a medium of exchange is selected; that medium of exchange is a symbol called a "token" n backup reinforcers are provided that can be purchased or exchanged with the token
Tokens n function as "generalized conditioned reinforcer" – paired with a wide variety of backup reinforcers n token generalized to reinforcer - not the behavior or setting n used to bridge the "time gap" between performance and reinforcement n used to bridge the "setting gap" between the delivery of reinforcement and behavior performance area
Rules for Establishing a Token Economy l Select a target behavior l Conceptualize and present the target behavior as a "what to do" not "what not to do" l Post the rules and review them frequently l Select an appropriate token l Establish reinforcers for which reinforcers can be exchanged l Develop a reward menu and post it. Include exchange ratio. l Implement the token economy on a limit basis initially. l Provide immediate reinforcement for acceptable behavior l Gradually change from a continuous to a variable schedule of reinforcement l Provide times for students to exchange tokens for rewards l Revise the reward menu frequently: Content and Ratio
Procedures for Implementing a Token Economy n Selecting Tokens n Defining Rules and Behaviors – observable, measurable, criteria for successful completion, easy to hard, prerequisite skills n Select Backup Reinforcers – naturally occurring activities – artificial activities - tangible items n Establish Ratio of Exchange n Establish General Procedures n Field Test
Point Card Student Name: ________________________ Date: ________ Point Tally Form Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday
9:00 - 9:15 9:15 - 9:30 10:00 -10:30 10:30 -10:45 10:45 -11:30 11:30 -12:00 Work periodReadinessSocialWorkWorkComments Behavior Effort Success Point Card for Multipurpose Token Economy Student Name: ________________________ Date: ________ **** * ** *