The Renaissance Renaissance means “rebirth” Renaissance means “rebirth” Reawaking of interest in education, science, arts Reawaking of interest in education, science, arts Reintroduction of classical texts (from Greece and Rome) Reintroduction of classical texts (from Greece and Rome) Growth of Italian city states Growth of Italian city states Development of wealthy merchant class Development of wealthy merchant class
Renaissance Art Art is a primary source for history
Jacopa di Cione “Madonna and Child in Glory” 1360/65 Tempera and gold on panel
Franconian School Miraculous Mass of St. Martin of Tours about 1440 Tempera and gold on canvas on panel
Guiliano Bugiardini Madonna and Child with St. John, 1510 Oil on panel
Giovanni Agostino da Lodi Adoration of the Shepherds 1510 Oil on panel
The Kress Monnogrammist The Adoration of the Magi about 1550/1560 Oil on oak panel
Annibale Carraci “The Bean Eater” about 1582/83 Oil on canvas
Short Essay How does this art show a change in the way people thought about themselves and their world from the Middle Ages through the Renaissance? How does this art show a change in the way people thought about themselves and their world from the Middle Ages through the Renaissance? Use the art as evidence. 250 words. Typed. Use the art as evidence. 250 words. Typed.