Acer saccharinum L.
Kingdom Plantae – Plants Subkingdom Tracheobionta – Vascular plants Superdivision Spermatophyta – Seed plants Division Magnoliophyta – Flowering plants Class Magnoliopsida – Dicotyledons Subclass Rosidae Order Sapindales Family Aceraceae – Maple family Genus Acer L. – maple Species Acer saccharinum L. – silver maple
Can be a large tree….over 100ft Trunk is short Divides into sub-trunks Long slender branches go downward but then curve up FIGURE 1
Light gray smooth when young when older breaks up into long thin strips, loose at ends. Similar to red maple but coarser. FIGURE 2
stout Chestnut brown color, Gross smell when crushed buds reddish brown with large scales, flower buds often in conspicuous dense clusters. FIGURE 3 FIGURE 4
Opposite 5 deeply palmate sinuses lobe margins coarsely serrate 2 1/2 to 5 inches long light green above, pale, silvery white below. FIGURE 5 FIGURE 6
buds reddish brown with large scales flower buds often in clusters. FIGURE 7
greenish and reddish flowers appear in dense clusters in early spring long before leaves. FIGURE 8 FIGURE 9
Samara, which is the largest of any native maple divergent wings 1 1/2 to 2 1/2 inches long germinate as soon as released, mature in late spring. FIGURE 10 FIGURE 11
Acer saccharinum trees are common in the Midwest. The Silver maples are generally the first trees to flower in the Midwest FIGURE 12
furniture and flooring. Bowling alleys and bowling pins are both manufactured from sugar maple Maple is also the wood used for basketball courts, including the floors used by the NBA, and it is a popular wood for baseball bats It is also widely used in the production of musical instruments, such as the members of the violin family, guitars and drum shells. FIGURE 13
Text citation: Tree tropics. (6, ). Retrieved from Vanderbilt. (6, ). Retrieved from m Virginia tech. (6, ). Retrieved from sheet.cfm?ID=80 Illionois wild flowers. (6, ). Retrieved from c.htm Usda plant. (6, ). Retrieved from
Figures 1-11: Virginia tech. (6, ). Retrieved from /factsheet.cfm?ID=80 Figure 12: Usda plant. (6, ). Retrieved from