By: Josh Carlson
2-4 genera 120 species Is found from Canada to the Gulf coast Prefers Temperate climate Can grow in low moist conditions or higher dry conditions Is a flowering plant so it produces seeds
Trees or shrubs Leaves are opposite, estipulate, simple, Can be unlobed, palmately lobed, or pinnately lobed Winged seeds Most common form of pollination is done through wind
Common Uses: Lumber, dance floors, bowling alleys, piano frames, cutting blocks, paper pulp Interesting Fact: Soft maples have taken the place of hard maples because it is lighter while it still retains durability
Pinnately Lobed- lobes along the side with a single midvein /PoisonIvy/BoxElderWith.JPG
Palmately lobed- lobes radiating from petiole
Palmately lobed Winged seed is about inches long ification/maple_silver_72dpi.jpg hemes/Sciences/BotanicalScien ces/TreesFamiliesNames/WhatT reeIsIt/IdentifybyName/Commo nName/MapleSilver/fruit.jpg
Palmately lobed Each winged seed is about 1 inch long = eae/Sugar_Maple_03a_Leaf.jpg&imgrefurl = eae/Sugar_Maple_03a_Leaf.html&usg=__v ES6liJ04JrluCwZasildB915jU=&h=960&w=1 280&sz=152&hl=en&start=7&um=1&tbnid =vsXz1RzPk9bDCM:&tbnh=113&tbnw=150 &prev=/images%3Fq%3Dsugar%2Bmapl e%26hl%3Den%26um%3D1 ges/maple_sugar/fruit.jpg
The Sugar Maple is mostly found in the eastern half of the United States
USDA Forest Service, Madison Wisconsin, pdf Aceraceae Maple Family, Leslie Landrum, Journal of Arizona-Nevada Academy of Science, 1995