Welcome to Back to School Night! Mrs. Breitbarth La Costa Meadows Room 27 Second Grade Classroom Website.


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Presentation transcript:

Welcome to Back to School Night! Mrs. Breitbarth La Costa Meadows Room 27 Second Grade Classroom Website

La Costa Meadows Second Grade Back to School Night September 2, 2015 Agenda Welcome Introduction Curriculum Class Schedule Special Activities and Programs Rules, Consequences, Rewards Silent Reading & Homework Work/Behavior Reports Supplies Volunteers

Language Arts – The Language Arts Program integrates Reading, Written Expression, Grammar, Vocabulary Development, and Spelling. We will read and discuss stories as a class in the second grade Reading Book as well as Picture and Chapter books in small groups. We use the Reading series and Practice Book for vocabulary and grammar. Portions of Social Studies and Science will be integrated into our Language Arts studies this year as well. Math – We are continuing to build on the Common Core math practices. They include computation skills as well as estimation, mental math, data, algebra, fractions, measurement, problem solving, and geometry. Writing – Writing is integrated throughout the curriculum. We also do free writing in our journals daily. Narrative, Informative, and Opinion writing are the three types of writing that are emphasized and tested by the district in the second grade. Our goal is for students to be fluent writers who express themselves in an understandable way.

Oral Language– Book Share is a wonderful way to help students feel comfortable and confident when speaking to peers. Students may also choose to read their Journals aloud to the class. Social Studies – We study about the community around us. We also will work on map skills and geography. Science – Our Science units include the study of earth, life, and physical sciences. We will study plants and animals, geology, matter, magnetism, electricity, and Too Good For Drugs. **Technology – This year Mrs. Karl and I will share an iPad cart of 30 iPads. We are continuing to pilot a new program, based on inquiry learning for mainly Social Studies and Science.

Room 27 Schedule 8:45 – 9:00 Class Business, Daily Language, Journal 9:00 – 9:30 DiRT Reading Enrichment and Intervention 9:30 – 9:50 Reader Response,Whole Group Language Arts Instruction (9:50-10:50 M &F) 9:50 – 10:50 Whole Group Language Arts Instruction (M, W & F) / Reading Groups and Centers (TTh) 10:50 – 11:10 Recess 11:10 – 12:25 PE, Read Aloud, Number talks 12:25 – 1:10 Lunch 1:10 – 2:10 Math 2:10 – 2:50 Social Studies/Science/Art 2:50 – 3:10 Coupon Time, DEAR, & Jobs Wednesdays - Library – 10:20 – 10:50 P.E. - Mondays, Thursdays 11:10 – 12:05 Science Garden/Music- Fridays 1:50 – 2:30 Art - One hour weekly or bimonthly - depends on Parent Volunteer’s Schedule **Remember, Wednesday dismissal is at 2:10!

Second Grade Special Activities Possible Field Trips Dove Library and Art Museum San Diego Zoo Flower Fields End of Year Mad Science & Picnic

Book Share Information Dear Students and Parents, Attached is the Book Share Wheel, and project directions for the entire school year. On each Book Share due date, your child will turn in and present his/her book. The book assignments may be done in any order. Once your child has completed a “book share”, he/she will color in the diamond that corresponds with the book category. Students may read books from home or check out one from our school library. The outlines are for reference only. Please complete the projects. Do not turn in the forms that are provided in this packet as your project. If necessary, students may request construction paper or supplies from the teacher. Students will be expected to put a lot of effort into these projects. They will need guidance from parents. Remember, this is an accomplishment to be completed by your child. Please encourage your child to be neat. Have your child practice presenting their book share with you before they present to the class. Sincerely, The Second Grade Team Book Share Due Dates TBA

The Dolphin Way: Doing what’s right even when no one is looking. The “BE” Rules Be Safe Be Respectful Be Responsible 7 Habits Be Proactive, Begin With the End in Mind, Put First Things First, Think Win-Win, Seek First to Understand, Then Be Understood, Synergize, Sharpen the Saw

Rules 1.Be Safe 2.Be Kind, Respectful, and Fair 3.Follow Directions 4.Be Responsible Consequences 1.Verbal Warning 2.Name on Board = Official Warning 3.Name on Board with a Check = Recess Detention or Responsibility Room [Severe Problems = Office] Rewards Verbal Praise Go for the Gold! Coupons Weekly Behavior Reports Citizen of the Month

Work / Behavior Report Name _____________________________ For the Week of ____________________ Your child’s center work was incomplete in the following area(s): Poetry Center____ Spelling Center ____ Focus Wall ____ Listening Center ____ Encyclopedia Center_____ Other ____ ***Any incomplete work should be completed and returned on Monday*** Your child’s behavior was: Superior ____ Good ____ Fair ____ Poor ____ Your child’s work habits were: Superior ____ Good ____ Fair ____ Poor ____ Comments: ___________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ Parent SignatureThank you, ______________________ Mrs. Breitbarth ** Please return this signed sheet and any completed work on Monday to receive a coupon!!

Silent Reading and Homework DEAR (Silent Reading)/Reader Response We try to make a point to independently read for at least 20 minutes every day in class. I also strongly advise students to read when they are finished with their work. Please help by encouraging your child to always have a great book in their crate or backpack to read for pleasure. Homework On the first day of the week, look for the posting on our class website for the homework assignment. It will list and provide activities that your child can do at home to enhance and strengthen his or her skills. I will provide a Homework folder that is sent home on Mondays and is due on Fridays. Additionally, incomplete or incorrect class work may be sent home for completion. We also have Monthly Book Shares which will start in October.

Supply List Please see Link on my website Supply ListSupply List Please Donate to the Wave Fund!!!

I always welcome parent volunteers! The following is a list of volunteers I know I will need. I may decide I need more help as the year moves along. I’ll let you know! Please fill out this sheet and return it with your child as soon as possible. Thanks for your help!! Name:_______________________________ Child’s name:_________________________ Phone Number:________________________ _______________________________ I am willing to help in the following area(s): _____Room Parent _____Assistant Room Parent _____ Art Docent _____SRA Parent (paperwork and works with students)(must be available _____Science Garden / Music Helper (must be available Fridays 1:50-2:30) _____Copy Mom (Duplicating Worksheets) _____Class Historian/Photographer

Communication Please feel free to contact me for any reason. I’d love to answer your questions, hear your comments, compliments, and even your complaints. I know you love your children and just want what is best for them – so do I! Let’s work together to make this a positive, successful year! Mrs. Julie Breitbarth School Phone – (760) ext 3127 School – Home – Please sign up to receive text messages via Remind. Our class code is br27.

I dreamt I stood in a studio and I watched two sculptors there. The clay they used was a young child’s mind and they fashioned it with care. One was a teacher – the tools she used were books, music and art. The other, a parent, worked with a guiding hand, and a gentle loving heart. Day after day, the teacher toiled with touch that was deft and sure. While the parent labored by her side and polished and smoothed it o’er. And when at last, their task was done they were proud of what they had wrought. For the things they had molded into the child could neither be sold or bought. And each agreed they would have failed if each had worked alone. For behind the teacher stood the school and behind the parent, the home. Author Unknown