Dialogues between Mother and Child 2
Child comes home after school 아이가 방과후 돌아왔을 때
Before we start! Let’s check the names of subjects 국어 Korean 도덕 Ethics 수학 Mathematics 사회 Social Studies 과학 Scienc e 체육 Physical Education 음악 Music 미술 Art 영어 English 실과 Practical art
and some countries South Africa 남아공 United States 미국 England 영국 Canada 캐나다 Australia 호주 Philippines 필리핀
Mother : Hello Child : Hello Umma/ Mom/ Mommy Mother : How was school? Child : School was fine. (ex. good, great, exciting, interesting, not so good, bad.) Mother : Do you have homework? Child : Yes I do. I have some homework Mother : In what subjects do you have homework? Child : I have English, Mathematics, Social Studies and Practical art homework.
Mother : Ok, can you tell me about what you are studying in English right now? Child : The teacher is teaching us about Countries and he was telling us about where he is from. Mother : Where is he from? Child : He is from South Africa. (ex. United States, England, Canada, Australia, Philippines...) Mother : Well finish your homework quickly. We are going out at 8 o’clock. Child : Mommy/ Mom/ Umma what time is it now? Mother : It is five thirty. So you must work quickly. I want to see your work before we go out. Child : Yes, Mom/ Mommy/ Umma.
Child comes home after school 아이가 방과후 돌아왔을 때
Before we start! Let’s check the names of subjects 국어 Korean 도덕 Ethics 수학 Mathematics 사회 Social Studies 과학 Scienc e 체육 Physical Education 음악 Music 미술 Art 영어 English 실과 Practical art
and some countries South Africa 남아공 United States 미국 England 영국 Canada 캐나다 Australia 호주 Philippines 필리핀
Mother : Hello Child : Hello Umma/ Mom/ Mommy Mother : How was school? Child : School was fine. (ex. good, great, exciting, interesting, not so good, bad.) Mother : Do you have homework? Child : Yes I do. I have some homework Mother : In what subjects do you have homework? Child : I have English, Mathematics, Social Studies and Practical art homework.
Mother : Ok, can you tell me about what you are studying in English right now? Child : The teacher is teaching us about Countries and he was telling us about where he is from. Mother : Where is he from? Child : He is from South Africa. (ex. United States, England, Canada, Australia, Philippines...) Mother : Well finish your homework quickly. We are going out at 8 o’clock. Child : Mommy/ Mom/ Umma what time is it now? Mother : It is five thirty. So you must work quickly. I want to see your work before we go out. Child : Yes, Mom/ Mommy/ Umma.