August 28 th & 29 th, 2013
Complete notes on types of numbers from last class! Think about WHY we need/should round numbers… If a traffic survey showed that 1852 cars carried 4376 people, the average person per car would be SAY WHAT?!?!? If a traffic survey showed that 1852 cars carried 4376 people, the average person per car would be SAY WHAT?!?!?
How to round a number: If the digit after the one being rounded off is LESS than 5, we round DOWN (i.e. 0, 1, 2, 3, or 4) If the digit after the one being rounded off is 5 or MORE than we round UP (i.e. 5,6,7,8,9)
Round to the nearest 10:
Complete #1-3 on page 75 if you have Edition 2 Complete #1-3 on page 45 if you have Edition 1
Round off to the accuracy given: The cost of an overseas holiday is $15,387 (to nearest $1000) The mass of a horse is 468 kg (to ten kg) A distance of 5735 km (to nearest 100 km) Box office takings for new movie were $6,543,722 (to nearest hundred thousand)
We need to round off decimal numbers which have more figures in them than are required. (Example: MONEY!) We can round off to the certain number of decimal places or significant figures. What is a significant figure?
Round: 3.27 to one decimal place to two decimal places to three decimal places
Complete #1-2 on page 77 if you have Edition 2 Complete #1-3 on page 47 if you have Edition 1
ALL non-zero numbers (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9) are ALWAYS significant. ALL zeroes between non-zero numbers are ALWAYS significant A final zero or trailing zeros (in the decimal portion only) are significant
7.182 ≈ 7.2 (2 sig figs) ≈ (2 sig figs) 423 ≈ 400 (1 sig fig) ≈ 4.06 (3 sig figs)
EDITION 1: #1-4 & 6 page EDITION 2: #1-4 page 78
Finish all exercises from this power point & turn in! 1-3 Rounding 1-2 Decimal Rounding 1-4 (& 6 Edition 1) Significant Figures