Davor Šoštarič Institute of Information Science, Maribor SICRIS Slovenian Current Research Information System
2 SICRIS – What’s all about? Slovenian Current Research Information System Creation, development and operation: Institute of Information Science Maribor (IZUM) by authorization of the Slovenian Research Agency By and large - everything on development and support of research activities In harmonization with European trends Transfer of research results into practice Supply and demand in research area Integration of Slovenian research into worldwide environments Public view (
3 Agency and SICRIS Agency keeps rights for granting the “licenses for budgetary financing” to researchers and research organizations Agency can see all data, can search through all categories and can request any kind of cross-referenced tables, reports, lists etc. Added directly through SICRIS: Research organizations and researchers who do not conform to the very strict official rules Researchers of Slovenian origin The whole Slovenian research potential / capacities
4 Data Collection and Updating Application forms are sent to the Agency Agency puts data into internal database Automatic transfer to the SICRIS Agency sends to SICRIS special data (projects, programs, descriptions, summaries, …) that are not held in Agency’s internal operational database SICRIS receives requests for updating the data directly from researchers and organizations by e_mail Authorized persons of SICRIS can update internal Agency’s database for the majority of data Online updating – ready for implementation
5 Users of SICRIS Researchers R & D organizations State administration Economy & Industry International research area Public
6 SICRIS - Statistics On October 10, 2013: 967 research organizations research groups researchers research projects 451 research programs Searching in 2013 (January 1 – October 10): requests 986 requests on January 1
7 New Quality In the pre-SICRIS era all relevant data has been used internally behind the (closed) doors SICRIS brings up the Public as observer and consequently informal regulator SICRIS introduces transparency Because of on-line searching researcher and research organizations become “subjects” and are not just “objects” anymore
8 Special characteristics of SICRIS Modern web and object technology Five pillars database structure: organizations / researchers / groups / projects / programs Format CERIF (Common European Research Information Format) Bi-lingual (Slovenian and English) Searching by all key fields Direct connection with Co-operative On-line Bibliographic System and Services COBISS and its bibliographic database COBIB
9 COBISS Co-operative online bibliographic system and services An organisational model of joining libraries into a national library information system with shared cataloguing (COBIB, local bibliographic databases, CONOR, COLIB, other functions of virtual libary,…) Standardised and shared processing of library materials as well as a uniform management of catalogues and bibliografies Adequately skilled cataloguers Linking of libraries and world-wide recognised data sources Library automation software (developed and maintained by IZUM) with multi-language user interfaces for cataloguing, acquisitions, loan, OPAC, researchers' bibliographies etc. Additional user oriented services (MyLibrary, Library Compensation Service, Ask a Librarian, Multisearch, Web-based trainings …)
10 COBISS Co-operative online bibliographic system and services Other databases Central databases Library local databases BIB – Local databases COBIB.SI BIB COLIB ELINKS CONOR CORES ISSN SwetScan JCR WoS OCLC FirstSearch WorldCat UDC LCNames Library catalogues Full text COBIB.XX BIB
11 Bibliographic records in COBIB.SI (7 October 2013) Total number of bibliographic records 4,306,841100% Monographs and other completed works 60% Serials 3%3% Articles and other component parts 35%35% Performed works 2% Number of records with at least one author with the researcher's code 1,347,88731,3% Registering of bibliographies within COBISS.SI is mandatory for Slovenian researchers!
12 Quantitative evaluation of bibliographic indicators Examples: Agency‘s tenders, university habilitation processes, … Methodology for the evaluation of bibliographic indicators of research performance (categorisation and rating by points) is defined by the regulations of Agency and/or universities Procedures related to the bibliographic unit categorisation and rating by points are automated, and are based on the interlinking of the SICRIS, COBISS.SI and WoS / Scopus information systems Evaluation results are available to the public within the SICRIS system
13 Typology of documnets/works Articles and other component parts (20+, like: Original Scientific Article, Review Article, Short Scientific Article, Popular Article, Published Scientific Conference Contribution, Review, Encycloapedia Entry, Polemic/Discussion, Interview, Invited Lectures, …) Monographs and other completed works (approx. 20, like: Scientific Monograph, Professional Monograph, Reviewed Textbooks, Dissertations & Thesis, Expertise, Final Research Reports, Bibliography, Study, Exhibition Catalogue, Software, Patent, Proceesings of Peer-Reviewed Scientific Conference Contribution …) Performed works / events (up to 10, like: Artistic Performance, Invited Lecture at Foreign University, …) Bibliographic records are created by specially trained librarians Document/publication must be delivered to the librarian Monitoring, supervising and arbitration by six central specialised research centres
14 Matrix Evaluation Model Categorisation Citations A1.. AnB1.. BnCDE.. HWS Classification 1.01Original Scientific Article 1.02Review Article 1.06Published Scientific Conference Contribution (Invited lecture) 1.16Independent Scientific Component Part in a Monograph 2.01Scientific Monograph 2.02Professional Monograph 2.24Patent
15 Example
16 Example (2)