Module 1 Test Review
Order of Operations The Order of Operations is one of the most important skills that you will need for the rest of your life. Make Sure you know them very well. PEMDAS –Parenthesis, Exponents, Multiply, Divide, Add, Subtract Left to Right rule
Multiply Decimals You will need to know all about how to multiply and divide decimals. Make sure to study these skills! Step 1: Write the problem vertically You do not need to line up place values It does not matter which factor is on top or on the bottom. Step 2: Solve as you would when multiplying whole numbers. Be sure to keep your partial products correctly lined up. Step 3: Place the decimal. Count the total number of digits after the decimal points in the factors. Then place the decimal point that many digits from the right in the product.
Divide Decimals You will need to know all about how to multiply and divide decimals. Make sure to study these skills! Step 1:Move the decimal point in the divisor to the right until you have a whole number. Step 2:Move the decimal point in the dividend the same number of places you moved the decimal point in the divisor. Step 3:After moving the decimal point, bring the decimal point above the division bar, into the quotient. Step 4:Divide using the same process as with whole numbers. Step 5:If there is a remainder, tack on zeros to the end of the dividend and continue dividing until there is no remainder; or round the quotient to the nearest tenth.
Properties of Numbers Please have the properties of numbers in your notes with examples.
Decimal Place Value
Rounding Decimals Rounding decimals is a very important skill that you can use, especially when it comes to $$$! Make sure your skills are good enough to take to the bank!! Step 1: Find your place value position Step 2: Look to the right 5 or more ….Round up Less then 5….keep the number the same and everything to the right becomes zeros
Comparing and Ordering Decimals Do you know how to put different decimals in order? This material should be known forwards and backwards! 1.Compare whole numbers 2.Add zeros as placeholders 3.Compare the decimal numbers Comparing Decimals Ordering Decimals 1.List the numbers in a column, lining up your decimal 2.Add zeros as place holders 3.Compare and put in order