2009 National Immunization Survey Report Texas Immunization Rates Jack Simms-Immunization Branch Manager Tony Aragon-Epidemiologist
2009 NIS Outline What is the NIS? Children included in the 2009 NIS How is vaccine coverage defined? Important Texas Findings from the 2009 NIS In Retrospect, Q & A……
2009 National Immunization Survey Assess immunization levels among pre-school children, months old Conducted annually by CDC Random-digit–dial sample of phone numbers followed by reviewing the childs vaccination providers Only population-based survey to provide national, state, local area, and territorial estimates of vaccination coverage Tracks progress towards Healthy People goals
Children included in the 2009 NIS ~17, 000 children within the US ~1,200 children in Texas included Children born between January 2006 and July NIS is a measure of the effectiveness of strategies and activities that were in place up to three years ago
How is vaccine coverage defined in the 2009 NIS? State coverage estimates based on the 4:3:1:0:3:1:4 series –4+ doses of diphtheria-tetanus-pertussis (DTaP) –3+ doses of Polio –1+ dose of measles-mumps-rubella (MMR) –0 doses of Hib –3+ doses of hepatitis B –1+ dose of varicella, and –4+ doses of PCV Hib excluded due to a national shortage
Important Texas Findings from the 2009 National Immunization Survey
Estimated 4:3:1:0:3:1:4* Vaccination Coverage in Children Months of Age by Local Area and State, NIS *4:3:1:0:3:1:4 – *4:3:1:0:3:1:4 – 4+ doses DTP, 3+ doses Polio, 1+ dose MMR, 0 doses of Hib, 3+ doses Hep B, and 1+ doses of varicella, 4+ doses of PCV
Estimated Vaccination Coverage with Individual Vaccines in Children Months of Age, NIS 2009 US and TX Compared HP 2010 Goal, 90%
Estimated Vaccination Coverage with Individual Vaccines in Children Months of Age, TX NIS
Estimated Vaccination Coverage Among Children Months of Age by Selected Vaccines, 2009 NIS, US and TX Compared Hep B Birth dose* - 1 or more doses of hepatitis B vaccine administered between birth and age 3 days. 2+HepA** - 2 or more doses of Hepatitis A vaccine. Rotavirus*** - >2 or >3 or more doses of Rotavirus vaccine, depending on product type received (>2 doses for Rotarix® [RVI] or >3 doses for RotaTeq® [RV5].
2009 National Immunization Survey Texas Immunization Rates In Retrospect Questions & Answers
Resources National Immunization Survey – National, State, and Local Area Vaccination Coverage Among Children Aged Months --- United States, 2009 – m5936a2_whttp:// m5936a2_w Healthy People 2010 – Texas Department of State Health Services-Immunzation Branch –
Nationally Proven Strategies to Raise Vaccine Coverage Levels Promote the use of registries Promote reminder/recall Public education Provider education Promote the medical home concept Utilize community partners to improve in the strategies listed above