Optimal Usage of Internet Searching Part I Tips on searching Google & other such creatures BIO 102 Spring 2008 Callie Bergeris.


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Presentation transcript:

Optimal Usage of Internet Searching Part I Tips on searching Google & other such creatures BIO 102 Spring 2008 Callie Bergeris

Types of Search Tools ► Search Engines ► Meta-Search Engines ► Directories

You’ve heard it said that information on the Internet   comes from ANYWHERE  is published by ANYONE  is not screened or peer-reviewed prior to publication There is little “quality control” on the Internet unless….

It’s smart to use more than one search engine

It’s obvious that you have to be cautious when looking for academic and other information on the Internet. 1.html :// 1.html:// 1.html

Search Engine - Definition ► Online tool which uses a software program known as a spider to “crawl” the Web and retrieve information about Web pages which are indexed by the engine. ► Provides a search tool which retrieves results based on a user-defined search query. ► You are actually searching the engine’s collection of web pages which it has indexed - not the Web itself!

More on search engines… ► Indexed by spiders / entries not reviewed by humans ► Provide a Higher Quantity of Results vs. Quality ► Powerful Advanced Searching Capabilities ► Search the Full-Text of WebPages ► Very Current - Updated ► Most useful for Specific Queries

Search Engine – a close-up Google  Largest & Most Popular Search Engine  8 Billion + Pages Indexed  Very Effective Advanced Search Features  Limit searches by domain, ie. Site:edu  Limit searches by format, ie..pdf,  Specialized Search Tools  Images, Directory, Videos, Books, Scholar, News, Blogger

A Closer Look ► Google Scholar (scholarly literature=articles, books) Google Scholar Google Scholar ► Google Books (books) Google Books Google Books ► Google Directory (handpicked specific topical sites) Google Directory Google Directory

Google aids to use ► AND, OR, NOT ► site:gov site:org site:edu ► define:electromagnetic ► ~food ~facts ( food facts and nutrition and cooking information) ► phrase searching “second hand smoking”

Google tips continued ► enrollment site: ► music site:uk ► allintitle: organic farming ► allinurl: nuclear energy ► virus -computer

Google help center

There is strength in numbers Do not use Google only Try two or three other search engines, such as:  ask.com  yahoo.com (same as search.yahoo)  scholar.google.com  alltheweb.com

Scirus A search engine solely for scientific information:  Indexes science-oriented web pages as well as journal article citations  Subscription necessary for full-text of many articles  167 million science-related web pages  Research and academic focus

Search Tips - Before the Search ► Refine and clarify topic -Browse directory and books -Browse directory and books ► Make keyword list ► Think about which resources would most likely have information relevant to your topic

Search Tips continued ► Do phrase searching ► Use combinations “origin of species” –darwin ► Place most important words first in the search string ► Might need to use uncommon words

Meta-Search Engines A meta-search engine searches the collections of multiple single search engines simultaneously, retrieving the top results from each. They do not sustain an index of their own. A meta-search engine searches the collections of multiple single search engines simultaneously, retrieving the top results from each. They do not sustain an index of their own.

Meta-Search Engine Characteristics ► Most return the top 5 or 10 results from each engine ► No advanced searching capabilities ► Many don’t allow Boolean or phrase searching ► Less precise than single search engines ► Some don’t search Google ► Useful in finding which engine covers topic best ► Useful in finding what information may be available on a topic

More about meta-search engines ► Do not crawl the web themselves to build databases of Web pages like search engines do; they send your search terms or queries to several search engines at once and display the top results together on a single page. ► As good as the quality of the search engine databases they obtain results from.

Try these meta-search engines ► ► ► ► ►

You can also use Directories A directory (often called a subject directory) is a collection of indexed web pages hierarchically organized into browsable categories by humans. A directory (often called a subject directory) is a collection of indexed web pages hierarchically organized into browsable categories by humans.

Directories - Characteristics ► Indexed by human editors ► Provide higher quality vs. quantity Typically Much Smaller than Search Engines Typically Much Smaller than Search Engines ► Entries are usually annotated ► They don’t search the full-text of web pages as search engines do ► Both commercial & non-commercial directories

Directories—when to use ► Useful When You Have a Broad Topic Can help narrow focus Can help narrow focus ► Useful at Start of Research to Define Relevant Key Words ► Useful to Observe What Information is Available on a Topic

Directories - Examples ► Open Directory Project  ► Librarian’s Index to the Internet  ► Infomine  ► Academic Info  net net ► Yahoo! ► Resource Discovery Network

A good web page with a table of general directories to use can be found at hingLib/Guides/Internet/SubjDire ctories.html ttp:// hingLib/Guides/Internet/SubjDire ctories.htmlttp:// hingLib/Guides/Internet/SubjDire ctories.html

Library Resources for Internet Searching

How do I get there?

Search Tools Summary ► Search Engines - Search a collection of indexed web pages ► Meta-Search Engines - Search multiple search engines simultaneously ► Directories - Provide a collection of indexed web pages arranged in categories ► Specialized Resources - Dedicated to One Subject or Industry

Compare the Internet vs. Electronic Databases Some important differences:  Electronic databases contain a collection of information (articles, images, statistics, etc.) that has been selected and packaged into a product that the library subscribes to  Information in our electronic databases comes from reputable sources and/or publications  Many electronic databases include a high percentage of scholarly journals

E-Databases & Scholarly Journals  Scholarly journals are “peer-reviewed” or “refereed”  In many electronic databases, you can limit your search to peer-reviewed journals only

Getting Full-text Articles “So many” articles are not available in full-text in the database that I’m searching?  Check the “Finding Journal Articles” web page to see if the journal is available in our paper/microform collection or electronically in another database Check the “Finding Journal Articles” web page to see if the journal is available in our paper/microform collection or electronically in another database Journal of Bacteriology

Document Delivery Service (Interlibrary Loan or ILL) To request an article from a journal that we don’t have either in print or in another electronic database:  Request the article electronically by selecting the “request articles” link on the Document Delivery Services web page

Be sure to allow enough time for these materials to be retrieved – usually about 2 weeks

Writing Your Paper Style guides are used to format your paper and cite your sources of information They will also help you to cite electronic sources of information – information from databases, the Internet, and so forth

Examples of Style Guides  (CBE) The Council of Biology Editors Style of Documentation in Science and Mathematics  (ACS) American Chemical Society Style Guide

Guides for Citing Sources

More assistance??? You may make an appointment for individual help with a librarian by signing up for a “RAP” session “RAP” (Research Assistance Program) sessions are a service provided by the Iona College librarians Appointments must be made at least 48 hours in advance of the time you wish to meet and at least two weeks before your assignment is due

Good luck with your research ….. If you need help, please ask a librarian ! Callie Bergeris, Reference Desk,