Our Team Aim is to offer help and advice to students of all levels and abilities We have 2 very specialist but integrated areas:- Academic Skills (Study Skills) Tutors Subject Librarians
ACADEMIC SKILLS KNOW-HOW You FacultyBlackboard Family and Friends ASK Student Support Tutors
ACADEMIC SKILLS KNOW-HOW Main University webpage = Select Current Students Select Library Direct url =
ACADEMIC SKILLS KNOW-HOW Academic Skills Team: What We Do My AssignmentAcademic WritingStudying Effectively Improving My Grades Academic Poster Annotated Bibliography Dissertation and Final Year Reports Essay Case Study Exams Literature Review Presentation Reflection Report Academic Writing: Essential Skills Commonly Confused Words Critical Thinking Paragraphs Paraphrasing Punctuation Terms & Definitions Academic Reading Conflict Management Gaining A Good Degree Group Work Learning Styles Lecture Preparation Note Taking Numeracy Stress Management Time Management Using IT Acting on Feedback Critical Thinking Planning Proof Reading Staffordshire Graduate Attributes & Skills
ACADEMIC SKILLS KNOW-HOW Academic Skills Team: How We Do It Facilitate lectures and workshops within your module Provide a wide range of online resources to suit all levels and styles of learning Arrange to deliver small group workshops (outside the curriculum) based on student and Faculty need Arrange individual support via:- On site appointments (Stoke, Stafford and Shrewsbury) Support Skype or phone discussions for those off campus
ACADEMIC SKILLS KNOW-HOW Academic Skills Team: Resources Select the topic from one of the drop down menus OR try using the Searching All Of Our Guides
ACADEMIC SKILLS KNOW-HOW Resources: Example Page
ACADEMIC SKILLS KNOW-HOW Subject Librarians: Nursing & Midwifery Allied & Public Health Nursing & Midwifery Allied & Public Health (Shrewsbury) Social Work Psychology, Sports and Exercise Kay CoverdaleShirley KennedyPaul Biggs (Mon – Weds only)
We have Thompson, Octagon, Law and Shrewsbury Libraries Thousands of books, journals, statistics, reports, newspapers, online resources, plus, PC’s, printing, photocopying and scanning services Student card is also your Library card Can borrow 17 items & most are 2 week loans Postal Loans are available THE LIBRARY SERVICE
USERNAMES & PASSWORDS Your username is your student number which consists of 2 letters and 6 numbers. x123456y Your password is your date of birth in 6 digits ddmmyy Your username and password are needed to access the Library catalogue for reservations, e-journals, e-books and databases
LIBRARY RESOURCES Use the Library Webpage as a starting point for all of your searches
SUBJECT GUIDES The Subject I am Studying is: Select “Nursing” from the drop down list
FINDING BOOKS Select the link to Library Catalogue or search via Summon for Books Hard copy journals DVD Links to full-text ebooks For postal loans search for a book and select the Place Hold link and log in with your username and password. In the Notes box type: Please send to my home address
E-BOOKS The Library has 3 e-book collections that are useful for your studies:e-book collections – Ebrary: a collection of over 30,000 titles, many USA titles – EBSCO eBook collection: specific texts identified by your lecturers – Dawsonera: specific texts identified by your lecturers
FINDING ARTICLES What are articles? – Journal articles are usually short papers on specific topics. They are published in issues or parts of journals (also called periodicals) which appear regularly Why use Journals? – Timely – journals are published more often than books, as a result you will find up-to-date information in recent journals – Authoritative – articles are written by experts and in peer reviewed journals the articles are screened by a ‘jury’ of other experts before they are published
HOW TO ACCESS JOURNALS Most of our journal titles are housed electronically in databases We subscribe to many Health Databases such as – Cinahl – Proquest Nursing and Allied Health Source – Internurse – BMJ Online – RCN Journals
REFERENCING We have a custom built resource called RefZoneRefZone RefZone contains numerous examples including how to reference books, eBooks, journals and a wide variety of online material We subscribe to Refworks which is a web-based Database Manager that allows you to create your own personal database by importing references from online databases and other various sources. You can use these references in writing papers and automatically format the paper and the bibliography in seconds.
ACADEMIC SKILLS KNOW-HOW If you have any questions, or require additional help and advice, please either use our online chat “ASK US” OR contact us (all details at the bottom of the Library Resources page):-