Open Access The Lingo, The History, The Basics, and Why Should We Care.
The Lingo Open Access does not always mean Open Source Open Access (OA) literature is digital, online, free of charge and free of most copyright and licensing restrictions.
Sources Gold OA- Open Access Journals that are free and make their content available online- no embargo's Green OA- Literature available in institutional repositories and includes mixed media of the institution. Does not include final draft.
Common Models Pure OA- journals funded by advertisers, donations or a home institution. Publication Fee- Author pays to have an article published, Hybrid
Pre and Post Prints Pre Print is a Draft before peer review. Post Print is the draft after peer review, but not yet published.
A Bit of History Budapest Open Access Initiative Public Good and Access for all. Self Archiving Open Access Journals.
Another Bit of History Berlin Declaration on Open Access to Knowledge in the Sciences and Humanities. 2003 Disseminating information for free All for the good of mankind. Based on Electronic Repositories by Institutions.
Institutional Repositories. Online Resource, run by an institution, to electronically store, theses. Dissertations and research. Much of this used to be stored in paper form, i.e. Archives. Now digitized and accessible to all.
Public Libraries Why should you care? Producer of information, not just consumers. Special Collections, Local Authors, Local News Genealogy Local Historical Societies Local Government Manpower
Community Center Less books, more public space Technology based Retrain to publish Local scholars Program based.