Cocaine Scientific name is Benzoylmethyl ecogine Structural formula is C17H21NO4 Street names are coke, dust, snow, nose candy, rock, and crack.
Stimulant Blocks neurotransmitters such as -serotonin -dopamine Produces euphoria and feeling “high” Schedule II -high abuse potential -high dependence on drug
History The Incas chewed coca leaves to increase breathing to survive in the thin mountain air. Chemist Albert Niemann was the first to extract cocaine Sigmund Freud began promoting cocaine John Pemberton used coca leaves as an ingredient in Coca-Cola.
Production The first phase involves extracting crude coca paste from the coca leaves. In the second phase, the coca paste is purified, turning it into cocaine base. The third phase involves converting the cocaine base into cocaine hydrochloride.
The User Adults between the age of 18-25 Ironically, most of the users are not in college Usually obtained illegally from drug dealers on the streets and in nightclubs
Affects Administered through: -injection -orally -inhaling Euphoria last about 10-15 minutes
Risks Physical Increased heart rate Heart attacks Chest pain Seizures Strokes Constricted blood vessels Emotional Addiction Irritability Depression Paranoia Auditory hallucinations
Detection Samples: -hair -blood -saliva -urine Cocaine test swabs and ‘Cocaine Torch’
Consequences Felony Fine Prison sentence Drug counseling Large fine Misdemeanor Fine Drug counseling Community service probation Felony Prison sentence Large fine Mandatory drug counseling