Reducing Your Daily Salt Intake By Chloe Memery
Why should I change my salt intake? High blood pressure Stroke Coronary Heart Disease Stomach Cancer Osteoporosis Obesity Kidney Stones and Kidney Disease Vascular Dementia Water Retention Asthma Meniere’s Disease Diabetes
Intentions To create a better alternative to a high salt content food. To become a step to a healthier lifestyle.
Plan Alter and reduce the salt intake in my diet. Find a better alternative for these foods.
Current Choices-Spaghetti
Blend the tomato's with other ingredients-
The Healthier Version
Justification Make your own healthier spaghetti sauce using a blender and tomatoes. Add onions, garlic, basil, oregano, black pepper, and olive oil for the same flavour. Heat the sauce in a saucepan over low heat for about 10 minutes. This cuts the sodium to about 160 milligrams per serving.
Evaluation Does it reduce salt? (100 grams – 160 milligrams) Taste-Has the same taste as the saltier option Nutrients- pasta sauce has the nutrients of ripe tomatoes. Tomatoes are a rich source of lycopene and vitamin C. Cost- Extra for the price of ingredients Time efficiency- Extra time required Ethical- home grown ingredients (tomatoes, onions, garlic, basil, oregano) Realistic/Achievable-The guidelines above all confirm the modifications. For more information on salt go to our website: