Chris Taylor TEC-EDS 1 SOIS Prototyping Activities CCSDS SOIS Berlin 2008 C. Taylor ESA- ESTEC.


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Presentation transcript:

Chris Taylor TEC-EDS 1 SOIS Prototyping Activities CCSDS SOIS Berlin 2008 C. Taylor ESA- ESTEC

Chris Taylor TEC-EDS 2 Implementation Progress ESA now has an initial prototype of the SOIS services as provided under contract by SciSys (UK) and Astrium (F). Additional prototyping is underway by Saab Space (S) and various Application support services have already been prototyped by Nasa (APL AMS). Related developments such as BioNet are also available The SOIS prototype includes subnetwork protocols based on ECSS Milbus and Spacewire standards, and Application support services based on CCSDS and commercial protocols The details of the present implementations are covered elsewhere and a final report of the ESA implementation will be available shortly It would now appear to be an optimum time to consider cooperative prototyping with a view to improving and validating SOIS

Chris Taylor TEC-EDS 3 Prototyping Objectives There are a number of objectives for joint prototyping: –To validate SOIS services executing on existing protocols –To validate SOIS defined protocols supporting SOIS services –To further develop/validate concepts and protocols –To increase cooperation and practical feedback All of the above are valid but may have different Agency emphasis and priorities At ESA the immediate priority is to validate the SOIS subnetwork services over existing Milbus and Spacewire protocols as this allows product development and project take-up We would also like to pursue the P&P concepts as we believe we have exhausted the paper exercise Ultimately we will need to validate the complete SOIS stack by interoperability testing

Chris Taylor TEC-EDS 4 What ESA can offer Our implementation is based on a Leon 2 RTEMS configuration with Milbus and SpaceWire subnets The following is available:  Hardware platform – commercial item  Milbus and SpaceWire drivers – RTEMS release  Milbus Protocol – ECSS spec  SpaceWire protocols – ECSS spec and SciSys implementation (under licence) For remote connectivity we propose the use spacewire over IP  Spacewire IP tunnel - commercial item  Virtual SpaceWire router - SciSys

Chris Taylor TEC-EDS 5 SOIS – Basic configuration MilbusSpaceWire Driver SOIS Subnetwork API’s Protocol’sProtocols SOIS Application support API’s SpW Router SpW IP Tunnel Application support Protocols Test Apps Test Hardware Remote Implementation Test Hardware

Chris Taylor TEC-EDS 6 SOIS – Interoperability Testing example MilbusSpacewire Driver SOIS Subnetwork API’s Protocol’sProtocols SOIS Application support API’s SpW Router SpW IP Tunnel Application support Protocols Test Hardware Test Apps MilbusSpacewire Driver SOIS Subnetwork API’s Protocol’sProtocols SOIS Application support API’s SpW Router SpW IP Tunnel Application support Protocols Test Hardware Test Apps Internet

Chris Taylor TEC-EDS 7 ESA text-bed extensions SpaceWire Driver SOIS Subnetwork API’s Protocol SOIS Application support API’s Application support Protocols Test Apps Test Hardware TM/TC External Connectivity DTN CFDP Packet Wire Driver Protocol Wireless Driver Protocol Packet Wire Driver Protocol

Chris Taylor TEC-EDS 8 Prototyping – essential agreements To initiate prototyping activities a number of core agreements will be necessary:  Remote connectivity e.g. SpaceWire IP tunnel  Core services – Packet, Remote Memory Access, Device discovery, (sync)  Core protocols – Packet, RMAP, Device Discovery  Set of test applications to confirm basic connectivity - TBD  Set of test hardware - TBD  All of the above are available commercially or from the ESA implementation  Once the above are in place we can perform more specific prototyping, for example on the P&P

Chris Taylor TEC-EDS 9 Prototyping Summary It is clear that we have reached the point where more prototyping is needed and would be beneficial to all But to fully benefit from prototyping activities we need: –Clear goals on what we want to test and why –Agreed configurations –Test procedures and test reports

Chris Taylor TEC-EDS 10 Subnetwork WG summary All Red books reviewed, updates necessary (Dai), Review (all) Suggest that Red books are then frozen and possibly published Define test configurations (Q109) –SOIS/Bionet (Kevin/Chris) –XTEDs/SOIS (Glenn/…Kevin/Chris) –XTEDs Software simulator (kevin) –XTEDs world wide availability (Chris) Green Book updates (separate list) Review (all)