Use Cases, Requirements and a Prototype Standard for an ITS/Simulation Interoperability Standard (I/SIS) Dick Stottler Brian Spaulding Stottler Henke Associates, Inc.MÄK Technologies, Inc. Robert Richards, PhD. Stottler Henke Associates, Inc Spring SIW
Overview Problem Description Use Cases Military ITS Examples: BC2010 ITS Helicopter Intelligent Flight Trainer (IFT) General Requirements of I/SIS Preliminary Suggested Prototype Standard Overview Preliminary Prototype I/SIS Description I/SIS Application Examples
Problem Description ITSs integrated with Tactical Simulations ITS: Automated Tutor (evaluation, tailored instruction) Looks over student’s shoulder during simulated scenarios ITSs and Simulations are from Different Developers ITS needs access to ALL student actions Not just those observable outside his simulated platform E.G. Plans, orders, comms, internal software use ITS may need to start simulation with a scenario ITS may need to control some parts of the scenario ITS may need mechanism for feedback in simulation Simulation may need mechanism to start ITS Simulation may need to select evaluations
Use Cases Tactical Decision-Making training (TDM) Equipment Operations and Maintenance training (EOM) ITS-Centered training systems (IC) Simulation-Centered training systems (SC)
Battle Command ITS Case Study Description Army Tactical trainer Enables commanders and staff officers to practice planning and execution skills Plan, fight and review battle HLA-compliant Single- or multi-player MILSTD-2525B tactical graphics
Battle Command ITS Case Study Simulation-Centered TDM Training System From simulation-driven perspective ITS is an accessory to support/enhance sim. training Interactive real-time feedback and evaluation engine available at completion or at pre-defined stages Should be transparent Seamlessly embedded and consistent with GUI Planning/Execution/AAR evaluation, feedback, hinting
Helicopter ITS Case Study ITC-Centered EOM Training System Teaches beginner helicopter pilots during flight exercises Instruction includes real-time coaching and AAR Coaching is multi-level Initially observations of problems (audio) Direct attention by “flashing” instruments If student fails to correct, coaching becomes more directive Beginners get more & more detailed coaching than advanced ITS plans instruction, assigns exercises Based on mastery and personality attributes ITS interfaced to/monitors actions in MS Flight Simulator ITS in control and is main application to the student
General Requirements of I/SIS Easy for simulation developers Level 1: Very easy for sim. developers, support most capabilities Level 2: Supports almost all ITS capabilities Optional levels: LSUI, LCSE, LIDR ITS access to student actions (external/internal) Presenting real-time coaching and AAR ITS/Simulation coordinated scenario start Scenario control Scenario files ITS interactivity, e.g. Socratic dialog Logon/Consistent User IDs between ITS and simulation
Preliminary Prototype I/SIS Architecture
Preliminary Prototype I/SIS Overview HLA/DIS Based Move info. via HLA/DIS (considering TCP/IP sockets) Info. Represented in XML or a specific XML standard Service Request/Response Platform and Aggregate details and interactions available in DIS and standard FOMs (RPR, NTMF, etc.) Standardized definitions for planning objects (tactical graphics or other planning documents) NTMF, C4I Reference FOM Orders - XML Battle Management Language (XBML) XML formatted text, audio, displayed units/values XML formatted control actions and instrument values HLA/DIS Simulation Management capabilities
All Use Cases: Level 1 Service Requests (SR) via Action Request messages Feedback SR Developer Created Documentation of Interface Level 2 Interactive Feedback SR Controlling component sends and other accepts Start/Resume & Stop/Freeze SIMAN messages UUID Student IDs Logon SR from controlling component Log Annotation SR
Tactical Decision Making (TDM) ITSs Level 1 DIS or HLA RPR FOM ITS access to additional scenario-related ITS information Level 2 XML Data in Experimental PDUs or HLA Simulation Data Interaction in I/SIS FOM Orders in XBML, Audio in files/XML, other communications/actions/context in XML MSDL & XML Scenario Files
Equipment Operations/Maintenance (EOM) Level 1 XML Data in Experimental PDUs or HLA Simulation Data Interaction in I/SIS FOM XML formatted lists of control actions and instrument values Level 2 XML Scenario Files ITS access to additional scenario-related ITS information
ITS Centered (IC) Level 1 Command Line Simulation Start (scenario file) Level 2 ITS sends and Sim accepts Reset, Load Scenario, & Start AAR SRs Entity control via HLA Ownership Switch or DIS Set Data
Simulation Centered (SC) Level 1 Command Line ITS Start (scenario file) Level 2 Simulation sends and ITS accepts Evaluation, Coaching, and Debriefing SRs, Simulation Sends and ITS accepts Assign Team Member SR
Optional Levels LIDR – ITS Driven Replay Set Time SR Set Perspective SR Play SR Freeze SR LCSE – Coordinated Scenario Entry Command Line Start of Sim & ITS Scenario Editors Sim notifies ITS of scenario changes Level 2 implemented LSUI implemented LCSE Feedback SR LCSE Interactive Feedback SR LSUI – Simulation User Interface partial control from ITS LSUI Feedback SR LSUI Interactive Feedback SR Additional Items XML Data and SRs as required
I/SIS Application Examples BC2010 ITS – All Use Cases, TDM, SC Level 1: HLA RPR FOM, Feedback SRs, ITS command Level 2: Plan (premission orders) and Orders output in XBML via HLA ITS accepts Start/Resume and Stop/Freeze SIMAN messages Log annotations for use with replay ITS turns on/off specific evals, coaching, and debriefing PVD displayed units list exported via HL in XML format Interactive feedback SRs, Optional LSUI BC2010 scenarios in MSDL (an XML) format ITS scenario info in XML format
I/SIS Application Examples Helicopter IFT – All Use Cases, EOM, IC Level 1: XML format list of instrument values and control actions & documents Command line simulation start Feedback SRs LSUI: Audio feedback and instrument flashing Level 2: Sim accepts Start/Resume and Stop/Freeze SIMAN messages ITS control of simulated helicopter XML format scenario files