Clinical Management for Behavioral Health Services (CMBHS) Mental Health Implementation MH Batch Reports & Data Dumps Fall 2013
AGENDA 1.Introductions and review of our agenda items 2.Review Batch File & Report Notification s 3.Review Batch File Reports 4.Review CMBHS Online Data Dump Files 2
Notification 1: Provider Sends a Batch File When provider drops off a file on the SFTP server, the Security Admin will receive an notification to let you know that CMBHS received the file. 3
Notification 2: CMBHS Generates a Report When CMBHS Data Exchange drops off a report or data dump file on the SFTP server, the Security Admin will receive an notification letting you know that a file is available for pick up. 4
Batch File Reports 5
Review Batch Reports Report 1: Batch File Acknowledgement Detail Report (CMBHS_HC027090) This report provides an audit trail of batch transactions sent. When CMBHS processes a batch file, it will acknowledge the processing by sending this detail report. The report will list each transaction in the batch file that was Accepted, Suspended, Rejected, or placed in the Dependency Queue. Accepted Transactions include all transactions that were without errors as well as Incomplete Transactions that only had data errors in optional fields. These transactions do not require corrections. Suspended Transactions include all transactions that require Provider corrections in order for CMBHS to be able to process them. The Provider can correct these via the CMBHS Online Batch Error Correction Screen or by resubmitting a corrected transaction. Rejected Transactions include all transactions that are corrupt and cannot be loaded into CMBHS for correction. Rejection Errors occur if the file layout is corrupt or any error which the Business Rules deem would prevent CMBHS from being able to accurately post the transaction for a Provider. The Dependency Queue is a holding area for transactions that arrive out of sequence. For instance, if an Assessment arrives before the Client, the Assessment will be placed in the Dependency Queue. As soon as the Client and Diagnosis arrive, CMBHS will immediately process the Assessment from the Dependency Queue. 6
Report 1 Sample: Batch File Acknowledgement Detail Report (CMBHS_HC027090) 7
Review Batch Reports Report 2: Batch File Acknowledgement Summary Report (CMBHS_HC027091) This report provides an audit trail of batch transactions sent. When CMBHS processes a batch file, it will acknowledge the processing by sending this summary report. The report will list transaction counts from transactions in the batch file that were Accepted, Suspended, Rejected, or placed in the Dependency Queue. Accepted Transactions include all transactions that were without errors as well as Incomplete Transactions that only had data errors in optional fields. These transactions do not require corrections. Suspended Transactions include all transactions that require Provider corrections in order for CMBHS to be able to process them. The Provider can correct these via the CMBHS Online Batch Error Correction Screen or by resubmitting a corrected transaction. Rejected Transactions include all transactions that are corrupt and cannot be loaded into CMBHS for correction. Rejection Errors occur if the file layout is corrupt or any error which the Business Rules deem would prevent CMBHS from being able to accurately post the transaction for a Provider. The Dependency Queue is a holding area for transactions that arrive out of sequence. For instance, if an Assessment arrives before the Client, the Assessment will be placed in the Dependency Queue. As soon as the Client and Diagnosis arrive, CMBHS will immediately process the Assessment from the Dependency Queue. 8
Report 2 Sample: Batch File Acknowledgement Summary Report (CMBHS_HC027091) 9
Review Batch Reports Report 3: Daily Reconciliation Report (CMBHS_HC027160) This report will send a daily snapshot of all transactions that were received via batch during the last 24 hour period. This report will include transaction data from all Batch Files. Batch Accepted Transaction Accepted as sent Accepted but has warnings because Transaction has optional data that cant be saved Batch Errors Severe Error: Suspended Transactions need to be corrected on Batch Error Correction Screen or Corrected transaction needs to be resent Rejected Transaction: Corrected transaction needs to be resent Dependency Queue Transaction: Transaction is on hold until another transaction is processed that will clear up the Dependency (ie. CANS arrives but Client is not in CMBHS) This is available in the standard HTML version and now also as a text delimited file format for those who need to automate internal processes with this data. 10
Report 3 Sample: Daily Reconciliation Report (CMBHS_HC027160) 11
Review Batch Reports Report 4: Cumulative Batch Error Report (CMBHS_HC027165) This report will display a snapshot of all transactions that remain in Suspense or the Dependency Queue. Batch Errors Suspended Transactions Dependency Queue Transactions This is available in the standard HTML version and now also as a text delimited file format for those who need to automate internal processes with this data. 12
Report 4 Sample: Cumulative Reconciliation Report (CMBHS_HC027165) 13
Data Dump Files 14
Data Dump: CANS & CANS Baby These data dump files will contain a daily snapshot of all Child Assessment transactions that were added or modified in CMBHS Online during the last 24 hour period. This file will not include transaction data from Batch Files unless those transactions were modified in CMBHS Online after the batch file was processed. The Data Dump Layout is a fixed width text file. 15
Data Dump: ANSA These data dump files will contain a daily snapshot of all Adult Assessment transactions that were added or modified in CMBHS Online during the last 24 hour period. This file will not include transaction data from Batch Files unless those transactions were modified in CMBHS Online after the batch file was processed. The Data Dump Layout is a fixed width text file. 16
Questions For all production support related questions and issues related to Batch Files, Reports and Data Dumps, please contact : CMBHS Data Exchange Technical Support Hotline