Search Powered Business Analytics, the smartest way to discover your data
CXAIR is a powerful search, analyse and reporting solution that combines business analytics, search engine and data access technology CXAIR delivers a truly intelligent solution to your business using state of the art search technology that breaks the boundaries of traditional BI. CXAIR has been successfully used to structure, unstructured data from different pathology systems to allow inclusion in the Cancer Services and Outcomes Dataset CXAIR
The data from the pathology system contained all of the pathology information on a specimen in a long textual report. The text did not separate individual patient records; they were listed in a large file Lab number: 15D Patient Name: Surname,forename Hospital Number: K NHS Number: Date of Birth: dd/mm/yyyy Sex: F Address: address 1 Post code: AA99 9AA Site Code: 2 Clinician Code: PH4 Clinician N Code: C Clinician Spec: 144 Clinician Name: xxxxxx Source Code: C25 Source Name: Ward C25 QMC Source Address: NUH QMC Campus, NG7 2UH Request Date: 15/04/15 Date Authorised: 27/04/15 Reporting Path: xxxxx Snomed codes: T-51000,T-61200,M /N Results: KEY /nDTSO 17/04/15 DSRQ DSOS 27/04/15 Specimen Type - Excision, right floor of mouth cT1 superficial squamous carcinoma Clinical Details: 75 year old male KMH patient; Jan 2015, right floor of mouth lesion; biopsies of right border of lesion (lateral) and deep centre of lesion both showed moderately differentiated squamous carcinoma; immunohistochemsitry showed p16 & HPV to be -ve). Feb 2015, CT imaging at KMH did not show the primary lesion, and no pathological lymph nodes.- now wide local excision of cT1 lesion right floor of mouth. Macroscopic Description: An irregular ellipse of mucosa 34 (AP) x 25 (ML) by 5mm in depth. There is underlying muscle on the postero-medial aspect of the specimen in keeping with ventral tongue, and underlying fat beneath the lateral edge in keeping with floor of mouth loose connective tissue. Marker suture anterior as described. (medial/superior/ventral tongue margin inked red)
The proformas were split into Cancer Sites using the RCU code This identified a number of data quality issues
An adaptor was developed to split out the patient demographics The adaptor could then be used across all proformas going forward
The results were presented in a large text file This is where the majority of the pathology data items were that needed to be included in the COSD submission
Regular expressions were written to split the results Additional fields were split in excess of those required for the COSD submission, this allowed extensive analysis of the data that wasn’t possible before
The extract is available for export in XML as required for the COSD submission The data is available for submission ahead of the mandated deadline, avoiding any financial penalties
Dashboards and alerting are also available as a consequence The ISN requires data to be submitted within 25 days so targets were set and monitored to ensure effective turnaround
CXAIR can schedule automated report delivery to ensure efficient management and timely submission of the data CXAIR is J2EE compliant and has realm based security to ensure that only authorised users access specific reports – for example patient level
Reports easily developed in seconds with no specialist expertise required
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