Origins: Where do we come from? Evolution/ Creation Intelligent Design
Unlocking the Mystery of Life Discovery Institute
Intelligent Design Does it rule out the possibility of evolution? What is Evolution?
Definition of Evolution Change over time Change that causes something to improve or become more complex
Biological(Organic)Evolution Gradual change of one kind of organism into another organism
Biological Evolution Offspring must inherit new characteristics that make them different from their parents
Natural Selection Some individuals are better able to compete Those that win, live and reproduce Darwin
Theory of Natural Selection How a population changes over many generations in response to it’s environment
Intelligent Design Naturalistic explanations are not sufficient to explain the origin of complex systems from an objective position. Irreducible complexity helps to explain why
Intelligent Design To whom does the video attribute the design that we see in nature? Was any specific name used?
Understanding the ID Movement Intelligent Design: How Intelligent is it?
Problems with I D Divorces Creator from creation No neutral science Natural theology backfired Unaccountable for dysteleology Don’t know God as Redeemer
Why does it matter what we believe? It’s not just about the beginning. It’s also about the end.
Evolution & the Bible Did God use Evolution? 7 Biblical Evidences
7 Evidences The process of Creation – Time, chance, natural processes – He Spoke and it was created
7 Evidences The order of Events – Stars and Earth – Reptiles and Birds – Earth of lava or water
7 Evidences The cause of physical Death – Natural process from beginning of time – Result of the curse, consequence of sin
7 Evidences The Genesis Flood – Regional flood, fossils of old earth – All plants and animals die, 20 ft of water covers all
7 Evidences The days of Creation – Long ages, “given enough time we have faith…” – Scriptural evidence says 24 hour days
7 Evidences The Origin of Life – Accident, chance – God created for a purpose
7 Evidences Jesus and Creation – Don’t believe in Jesus – He believed Moses and Genesis, God wrote 6 days on the stone tablets
First Law of Thermodynamics The sum of all matter and energy in the universe it constant Energy and matter cannot be created or destroyed
2 nd Law of Thermodynamics In an open system, chaos will increase over time
Law of Cause and Effect Every material effect must have an adequate cause that existed before the effect
Law of Biogenesis All life comes from existing life Theory of spontaneous generation proven false
Law of Cause and Effect Every material effect must have an adequate cause that existed before the effect
What is the battle really about? Not Science/Bible Evolution/Bible or Evolution/Science
Why does it matter what we believe?
Firm Foundation If we don’t believe the words of Moses, we can’t believe the words of Jesus Genesis is foundational to the rest of the bible
Firm Foundation I Peter 3:15 Be ready to give an answer about what you believe and why you believe it
Firm Foundation Meaning comes from Origin If we don’t acknowledge a creator, who makes the rules?
The 7 C’s of Creation
Creation – 6 24 hour days Corruption – sin and death Catastrophe-worldwide flood Confusion – Tower of Babel Christ – Son of God lives and teaches on earth
The 7 C’s of Creation Cross – Jesus dies to forgive our sins and allow us to go to heaven Consummation – Christ's 2 nd coming, the New Heaven and the New Earth
What should I believe?
Evolution Not everything you read about Evolution is true. There is a lack of evidence to support Biological Evolution.
Evolution A belief in evolution undermines the Bible and Christianity as a whole.
God was there Scripture is God’s way of telling us what happened If we believe the bible is true, we have to believe the creation story in Genesis
God is the One Creator We are made in His image We were created by Him to worship and glorify Him He sent His Son to die for our sins so we can be with Him again
God is the One Creator He makes the rules We follow His rules to have a happy, healthy life