1 Selected Topics from Philippians. 2 Topic 3 Heavenly Citizenship 1 NT verses that talk about: Citizenship in general Strangers and aliens Heavenly citizenship.


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Presentation transcript:

1 Selected Topics from Philippians

2 Topic 3 Heavenly Citizenship 1 NT verses that talk about: Citizenship in general Strangers and aliens Heavenly citizenship Verses in Philippians Verses in other NT books (next week)

3 Original Word GK 4177: politēs (noun) – citizen Usage Notes: "a member of a city or state, or the inhabitant of a country or district," Luke 15:15, is used elsewhere in Luke 19:14; Acts 21:39, and in Heb. 8:11 Original Word GK 4847: sympolitēs (noun) – fellow citizen Usage Notes: syn, "with," and polites, denotes "a fellow-citizen," i.e., possessing the same "citizenship," see Eph. 2:19 Citizenship in general

4 Original Word GK 4174: politeia (noun) - citizenship Usage Notes: signifies (a) "the relation in which a citizen stands to the state, the condition of a citizen, citizenship," Acts 22:28, "with a great sum obtained I this citizenship" (KJV - "freedom"). (b) the condition of a state, a commonwealth, said of Israel, Eph 2:12 Original Word GK 4175: politeuma (noun) – citizenship Usage Notes: signifies "the condition, or life, of a citizen, citizenship;" it is said of the heavenly status of believers, Phil. 3:20 Original Word GK 4176: politeumai (verb) – conduct yourself as a citizen Usage Notes: to be a citizen (politēs), to live as a citizen, Phil. 1:27 Citizenship in general

5 Strangers and Aliens Original Word Gk 3581: xenos (adj) - stranger strange, foreign, not of one's family. Used metaphorically with the meaning of not belonging to Original Word Gk 3941: paroikos (adj) – alien sojourner, one who dwells in a foreign country, a temporary dweller not having a settled habitation in the place where he currently resides Original Word Gk 3927: parepidēmos (adj) – exile, stranger an adjective signifying "sojourning in a strange place, away from one's own people" (para, "from," expressing a contrary condition, and epidēmeō, "to sojourn;" dēmos, "a people"),

6 Strangers and Aliens Important verses: separate from Christ -- Eph 2:11-12 no longer strangers and aliens – Eph 2:19 abstain from fleshly lusts – 1 Peter 2:19

7 Heavenly citizenship Verse in Philippians heavenly citizenship occurs 3 times in Philippians Philippians 1:27, “…conduct yourselves…” Greek politeuōmai conduct yourselves - politeuma - to live or conduct yourself as a citizen (politēs) Philippians 3:20, “…citizenship is [fixed] in heaven…” Greek politeuma Philippians 4:3, “…names are in the book of life.” Greek biblos zōe

8 Phil 1:27a Only conduct yourselves in a manner worthy of the gospel of Christ, conduct yourselves - politeuma - to live or conduct yourself as a citizen (politēs) see Luke 15:15, Acts 21:39, Acts 23:1 Where is our citizenship at ? in a manner worthy – the idea here is suitably, or properly gospel of Christ – Paul uses this term 8 times in his writings see Rom 15:19, 1 Cor 9:12 & 1 Thess 3:2

9 Phil 3:20 For our citizenship is in heaven, from which also we eagerly wait for a Savior, the Lord Jesus Christ; For our citizenship is in heaven subject: our citizenship verb: is - exits or has its fixed location (present, indicative, active) prep. phrase: in heaven lit: in the heavens

10 Phil 3:20 For our citizenship is in heaven, from which also we eagerly wait for a Savior, the Lord Jesus Christ; from which also we eagerly wait for a Savior subject: we verb: eagerly wait - expect eagerly (present, indicative, middle/passive) prep. phrase: from which or out from where direct object: a Savior

11 Heavenly citizenship Verse in other NT books to be covered next week !