All the layers to YOUR citizenship!
I wonder what a CITIZEN is?
A citizen is… A. a person who does good deeds. THANKS! C. a member of a community with rights and responsibilities. B. someone involved in politics. D. an adult. TAKE A GUESS!
Of a state? Am I a citizen of my school? So does that mean that I’m a citizen? Of a city? We’re citizens of SOMETHING, right?
A community is group of people that share an environment. Every day you are part of several different layers of community. That means you have many different levels of citizenship!
Levels The people we live with make up the smallest “community” we belong to. Nation State City Home School Write “People I live with” here:
Levels Our school or workplace is a community too. These are the people we interact with outside our homes every day. Nation State City Home School Record the name of your school here… SCHOOL
Levels You are a citizen of the city in which you live. Nation State School City Home Record the name of your city (or the city or town closest to you) here…
Our country is made up of 50 states (and a district, too!). You are a citizen of the state where you live. Nation State School Levels Home City Write the name of your state here…
You are also a citizen of your country! Nation State School Levels City Home Write down the name of the nation in which you live here…
Where do these rights and responsibilities come from? Let’s find out!
If being a citizen means having rights and responsibilities, where do rights and responsibilities come from?
We get our rights and responsibilities as citizens from… A. different places depending on the level of citizenship. THANKS AGAIN! C. politicians. B. one member of the community who decides for us. D. the President. TAKE A GUESS!
In the United States we are guaranteed a list of rights in our constitution. United States Constitution
State City Origins Record it here! U.S. Constitution Home School Nation
Each state has its own constitution that guarantees rights to the state’s citizens. State Constitution
State City Origins Record it here! U.S. Constitution Home School Nation State Constitution STATE
Cities usually have a city charter. This document tells how the city will run. It usually contains some rights and responsibilities of city citizens. City Charter
State City Origins Record it here! U.S. Constitution Home School Nation State Constitution City Charter CITY
Most schools have a school handbook that lists the students’ rights and responsibilities. (mostly responsibilities—more about that later!) School Handbook SCHOOL
State City Origins Record it here! U.S. Constitution Home School Nation State Constitution City Charter School Handbook SCHOOL
At home, the adults in charge decide what your rights and responsibilities will be. Maybe these will get written down—but usually not! HOME
State City Origins Record it here! U.S. Constitution Home School Nation State Constitution City Charter School Handbook Adults in Charge HOME
State City Origins U.S. Constitution Home School Nation State Constitution City Charter School Handbook Adults in Charge Good Job!
NICE JOB! Now, following your teacher’s instructions, build your Citizenship Pyramid !