What It Means to Be a Christian


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Presentation transcript:

What It Means to Be a Christian A Christian is… A Citizen

Dual Citizenship Citizen – someone who is a member of a nation or state to whom he owes allegiance and is entitled to its protection Typically born into, but can be naturalized Citizenship – the privilege of belonging with its benefits

Dual Citizenship We are citizens of this country (or some other nation) – we have responsibilities to our nation

Dual Citizenship We are also citizens of heaven Phil. 3:20, our citizenship is in heaven Colossians 1:13, into the kingdom Eph. 2:19, fellow citizens John 18:36, Rom. 14:17 We are “born again” into this kingdom – John 3:3, 5

Dual Citizenship DUAL citizens As Christians, we have obligations to our physical kingdom, BUT we look to heaven 1 Peter 2:11, cf. Heb. 11:13-16, sojourners and pilgrims “If you are a Christian, you are not a citizen of this world trying to get to heaven; your are a citizen of heaven making your way through this world” (Vance Havner)

Our Physical Citizenship Be a good citizen! Matt. 22:21, Render to Caesar Titus 3:1, Be subject to rulers and authorities

Our Physical Citizenship WE must obey the law Romans 13:1-5 1 Peter 2:13-15, submit We are to submit regardless of how godly/ungodly it might be

Our Physical Citizenship WE must obey the law The ONLY exception, Acts 5:29 NOTE: Even in this we need to live with absolute integrity and obey all that we can! We do have authority to “appeal to Caesar” – act within the boundaries of law

Our Physical Citizenship Pay your taxes Romans 13:6 Matthew 22:21, Render to Caesar

Our Physical Citizenship Honor the government Romans 13:7 1 Peter 2:17 NOTE: this is not a suggestion! Even a corrupt government is to be treated with respect (i.e. honor the law or office, even if the one occupying it is corrupt)

Our Physical Citizenship Pray for our kings 1 Timothy 2:1-2 Pray for them (the ungodly need it even more) That we may lead a quiet and peaceable life.

Our Spiritual Citizenship Honor our King! Jesus is Lord! John 18:37, 1 Tim. 6:15, Rev. 19:16 Rev. 17:14, “those who are with Him are called, chosen and faithful.” Phil. 1:27, conduct worthy Eph. 5:24, subject to Him

Our Spiritual Citizenship Follow its laws Every kingdom has laws Our law is the Bible James 1:25, John 12:48, Rev. 20:12 Luke 6:46, Matt. 28:18-20, every text of obedience James 2:10

Our Spiritual Citizenship Promote the kingdom Live changed lives, Col. 3:10, 1 Pet. 1:17 Be an example, Phil. 2:14-16, Matt. 5:16, 1 Pet. 2:11-12 Pay your “taxes” – support Matt. 22:21, cf. 1 Cor. 16:1-2, Matt. 6:33, Rom. 12:1

Our Spiritual Citizenship Promote the kingdom Evangelize – the only way the kingdom will grow Matt. 28:18-19 Eph. 4:16 2 Tim. 2:2 John 15:5-8

Our Spiritual Citizenship Pray for the kingdom Cf. Matt. 6:10, “Your kingdom come” Paul requested prayers for opportunities, success and boldness – 2 Thess. 3:1, Eph. 6:18-20, Col. 4:2-4

What does your citizenship mean to you?