1 PROVINCE OF MILAN Presidency and Institutional Relations Communication and International Relations European Affairs Office “Being European”, Latvia -


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Presentation transcript:

1 PROVINCE OF MILAN Presidency and Institutional Relations Communication and International Relations European Affairs Office “Being European”, Latvia - October 2013

Comparison: before and after Aims: the day before Aims: the day before Tools: during the project Tools: during the project Results: the day after Results: the day after

Aims of the project Promote the sense of belonging of citizens to the EU Promote the sense of belonging of citizens to the EU Encourage an active European citizenship Encourage an active European citizenship

How to reach these aims? SPREADING KNOWLEDGE  Directly involving citizens in the process of European Integration  Taking advantage of the role of local institutions Conferences, seminars and debates Conferences, seminars and debates Questionnaires Questionnaires Videos Videos TOOLS

Tools of the project  1 international conference in Milan with 50 participants  3 international conferences in partners’ countries  1 questionnaire about EU citizenship submitted to 100 European citizens of the Province of Milan  1 video with results of the project to be disseminated

Results: rank of EU citizen rights

Results of the project Sense of belonging to the community of Eu citizens Sense of belonging to the community of Eu citizens Awareness of the EU citizenship Awareness of the EU citizenship Only partial knowledge of EU citizen rights Only partial knowledge of EU citizen rights No obstacles in exercising EU citizen rights No obstacles in exercising EU citizen rights

The most important rights  Free mobility within the EU  Vote the EU parliament  Equal attitude of EU citizens Results of the project

Work about:  knoweledge of EU citizen rights (what...)  Respect of EU citizen rights (authorities...) Final result

Thank you for your attention!