In the last few lessons, we’ve been examining what it means to be a “Member” of Christ’s Church. Thus far, we’ve considered the N.T. comparisons to being:


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Presentation transcript:

In the last few lessons, we’ve been examining what it means to be a “Member” of Christ’s Church. Thus far, we’ve considered the N.T. comparisons to being: Sheep in the Fold, Married to Christ, A Disciple of Christ, and Living Stones in His Building. This evening, let’s add Citizen in His Kingdom.

First, we have to recognize that “kingdom” is used in a number of senses in the Scriptures. For instance, “kingdom” sometimes refers to: o the political realms of men, Gen.10:10; 20:9 o the abstract sense of the sphere of God’s rule or dominion, Ps.22:27-28 and 145:8-13. But, in the N.T., “kingdom” usually refers to “the church”- Mark 9:1 > Acts 1:8; 2:4,36,41. However, “kingdom” does also sometimes refer to heaven, Acts 14: Obviously, context is the critical determining factor, and attention must always be paid to it.

What then does “Citizenship” in this Kingdom of the Church teach us about our Relationship to Christ and One Another? First, that one must be Born into it, John 3:3-5. o In a physical kingdom, one may become a naturalized citizen by making request, completing a test, and taking an oath. o And in a physical kingdom, one born to parents who are already citizens are automatically accepted as citizens. o But citizenship in the spiritual kingdom is different since one cannot be physically born into a spiritual kingdom, cf. v.4 (cf. John 18:36) and Heb.8:8-11. o Thus, one cannot inherit citizenship in this kingdom physically, but must rather be spiritual reborn into it!

What then does “Citizenship” in this Kingdom of the Church teach us about our Relationship to Christ and One Another? Second, allegiance must be maintained to the King! John 18: o Again, in a physical kingdom/nation, one must submit to the proper authority- such is even commanded by God, Rom.13:1; 1Pet.2: o Jesus is the proper authority for the spiritual kingdom because it is His! Matt.26:64; 28:18; Eph.1:20-23 o Therefore, all obeisance must be given to the “King of kings and Lord of lords” 1Tim.6:13-16.

What then does “Citizenship” in this Kingdom of the Church teach us about our Relationship to Christ and One Another? Third, allegiance to the King necessarily means adherence to His Law, Luke 6:46 and John 12:48. o One cannot claim citizenship in the kingdom, and/or submission to the King and at the same time have little to no regard for His Law. And yet, many make such a claim. o This cannot be so, Heb.7:11-12; Rom.8:2; Gal.6:2; 1Cor.9:19-21.

What then does “Citizenship” in this Kingdom of the Church teach us about our Relationship to Christ and One Another? Finally, understand that citizenship in this Kingdom can be forfeited, Col.1:13-14 > This can occur by: o Selling out for personal profit, Acts 8:12-13 > 18-24; o Or by otherwise becoming a traitor and going back to former kingdom allegiances to Satan, 1John 5:19; 2Tim.4:10; 2Pet.2:20ff.

What about it? Are you a “Citizenship” of Christ’s Kingdom? If not, why not? You cannot enjoy the blessings and privileges of “the kingdom” without becoming a citizen! Heb.12:22-29