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Chic and Tailored Learning French clothing vocabulary is easier done through pictures than through memorizing translations. Every time you can't remember what a chapeau is, remember this chic girl and the purple hat on her head.
Pants French Clothing Vocabulary Pants are an essential piece of clothing. In French, the word pantalon refers to pants in general. Un jean is a special word to refer to, you guessed it, jeans
Chemise & Chemisier Une chemise usually refers to a man's shirt, but can refer to any other type of (non-dress) shirt worn by men or women, while un chemisier can only refer to a woman's blouse. In Québec, the word chandail is more often used as a general word for shirt. Not to be confused with the French usage of chandail, which refers to a sports jersey.
Un Pull Over your chemise, you might where a pull, or a sweater, in the colder months of the year.
Chaussures Shoes in France are usually quite dressy, even when one is wearing jeans. When shopping for chaussures in France, be sure to look up your European size before you head to the shops!
Baskets Sneakers are never called sneakers in France...instead they are called by the sport that one does while wearing them. These sneakers would probably be called des baskets because of their likeness to basketball sneakers even though these are technically not for basketball. More casual sneakers would be called des tennis. You won't see people walking down the streets of Paris in these, even if they're on the way to the gym! Among young people, sneakers are coming into fashion.
Skirts Everywhere You won't see many people in sneakers or sweats, but you will see plenty of women in skirts, the word for which is une jupe. Not to be confused with the word for dress.
Robe Many French learners get the words jupe and robe mixed up, or only use one of the two words to refer to both items of clothing. A robe does not refer to a bathrobe, but to a dress.
Manteau d'hiver No matter what clothing you're wearing, you'll need a general word for 'jacket', which is manteau. This girl is wearing a manteau d'hiver to keep warm on the ski slopes.
Men's Dress Clothing Women's dress clothing has already been covered, but what about men's dress clothing? A tuxedo is called un smoking; a regular dressy suit is called un costume. These two words are usually found funny by English speakers. Don't forget your cravate (tie) with your suit or your noeud papillon (bowtie) with your tuxedo.
Clothing Vocabulary: Accessories Lastly, some accessory words. These two people are wearing une ceinture to hold up their jean. A hat is un chapeau, socks are chaussettes, a scarf is un foulard (or in Québec: une écharpe), and gloves are gants.
Fashion Designers Of course France is no stranger to fashion. Paris, being one of the fashion capitals of the world alongside Tokyo and New York City, is home and birthplace to several famous designers: Louis Vuitton Coco Chanel Christian Dior Hubert de Givenchy Pierre Cardin Yves Saint-Laurent
v=gBzxWgdFtqc&feature=related& safety_mode=true&persist_safety_ mode=1 Louis Vuitton
h?v=F5VI6y6cqjk&feature=relate d&safety_mode=true&persist_saf ety_mode=1 Coco Chanel
h?v=N5LRgJEiAbY&feature=cha nnel&safety_mode=true&persist _safety_mode=1 Christian Dior
Hubert de Givenchy
Pierre Cardin
watch?v=kG0BgA3sEuk&fe ature=related&safety_mode =true&persist_safety_mode =1 Yves Saint-Laurent