Digital Citizenship for Educators Terri Reid Implementation Support Coordinator ERLC
What is Digital Citizenship? “Digital citizenship can be defined as the norms of appropriate, responsible behavior with regard to technology use.” Mike Ribble,
What is Digital Citizenship? A good digital citizen will experience the advantages of the digital world but like a citizen of a nation, they will be identifiable, speak using the appropriate language, serve his or her duty to judge what is appropriate within the laws of the land and ethical behavior, uphold their social responsibilities and be virtuous. Lee Crockett
Digital Footprint
Why is Digital Different?
Easily Copied
Why is Digital Different? Easily CopiedInstantly Shared
Why is Digital Different? Easily CopiedInstantly Shared Easily Edited
Why is Digital Different? Easily CopiedInstantly Shared Easily EditedViewable by Millions
Think Before You Post
Digital Media Digital environments offer powerful tools for editing (manipulating) media. What are the parameters for a good digital citizen in editing?
What is Acceptable?
What is Acceptable?
What is Acceptable? “The last photo from the World Trade Center”
What is Acceptable? Dove Evolution
Alec Couros,
Towards a Mobile Reality Alec Couros,
“... in 2007 YouTube consumed as much bandwidth as the entire Internet in 2000.” “In 2012, YouTube said that roughly 60 hours of new videos are uploaded to the site every minute...” In May 2010, it was reported that YouTube was serving more than two billion videos a day, which it described as "nearly double the prime-time audience of all three major US television networks combined"
Remix Culture
Digital Identity The Internet never forgets!
Digital Identity
The Internet is NOT Private
Digital Content is Hard to Erase
Read and Understand Privacy Settings
Craft Your Own Online Identity
Own Your Online Identity
Start Posting Good Stuff
Positive Digital Networks
Positive Digital Networks Global Digital Audience
Positive Digital Networks
Control Your Identity [It} astounds me when teachers/professors only digital presence is Rate My Teachers/Profs page. If you aren't controlling your footprint, others are. Meredith Stewart -From Twitter.Meredith StewartFrom Twitter
Control Your Identity Google Yourself You might have a common name so use different variations. Add your middle name, location or something else that might provide some hits. Google yourself often to make sure the information that is out there represents you in the way you want.
Control Your Identity Establish A Brand What name willyou use across all that you do on the web? Choose one name (initials or not) and a Twitter handle. The point here is to start using the same identity across multiple services to solidify yourself. Try to use your actual name or a simple variation.
Control Your Identity Get A Space Of Your Own You need a place of your own to let people know who you are. i.e.Twitter or blog. Places where you further establish who you are, what you are about what you want to say. You are further solidifying yourself on the web. You control how much information you put out there and what information you put out there; all in an effort to control your identity.
Control Your Identity Stay On Top Of Things Google Alerts are an easy way to keep track of your brand. You set up a keyword to search using your brand, fill out how often you want to get the alerts, and an address. Google Alerts Any page on the web that mentions any of the data you submitted lands in your inbox so you can know who is saying what about you or your brand.
Internet Use By Age The risks in the online world really do change based on the age of your children.
Internet Use By Age Accept information at face value Don’t always know right from wrong Active online Social networks target through toys (Webkinz)
Internet Use By Age Moral, self and gender identities develop Socialization moves out of home Want more independence Internet is fun ◦ Download games, music and videos ◦ Virtual environments (Neopets)
Internet Use By Age Seek information from peers and internet Social lives and online relationships are number one concern Instant messaging and texting Social networks are vital for communication Use Web lingo
Hoaxes archive.html
Resources for Teaching Digital Citizenship Hundreds of websites available Be Internet savvy when choosing Canadian context is essential for copyright Start with sources you know ◦ Internet Savvy Internet Savvy
Resources for Teaching Digital Citizenship Lesson Plans **Profile Penalty Lesson Plan (Middle School) Lesson Plan (Intermediate)Profile PenaltyLesson Plan *Perspectives on Chatting Safely Online Lesson PlanPerspectives on Chatting Safely OnlineLesson Plan *Tracking Teresa Lesson PlanTracking TeresaLesson Plan 10 Interactive Lessons On Digital Citizenship (YouTube) 10 Interactive Lessons On Digital Citizenship
Resources for Teaching Digital Citizenship Common Sense Media: K-12 Resources including lesson plans, activities, and videos that cover all aspects of Digital Citizenship. Also includes online training modules for teachers. Common Sense Media Netsmartz: Online curriculum. Netsmartz Brainpop Jr: Internet Safety Brainpop: Digital Literacy I Keep Safe Edutopia
Resources for Teaching Digital Citizenship Your Digital Presence ◦ Digital Citizenship ◦ Web 2.0 Toolds ◦ Copyright & Ownership ◦ Engaging in a Digital World
“Digital citizenship isn’t just about recognising and dealing with online hazards. It’s about building safe spaces and communities, understanding how to manage personal information, and about being internet savvy - using your online presence to grow and shape your world in a safe, creative way, and inspiring others to do the same.”
Terri Reid Implementation Support Coordinator