Who is Rachel Faulkner?
City Year’s Mission: City Year’s mission is to build democracy through citizen service, civic leadership and social entrepreneurship.
Big Citizenship: “A big citizen is a corps member, senior corps member, or staff member who recognizes that City Year’s mission is fulfilled not just by direct service to youth but through an array of ways to build citizen service.”
Civic Ideas: City Year is rooted in “big ideas” such as democracy, patriotism, citizenship, national service, etc. CIVIC COMMITMENT: Civic Values: City Year is a community of values; values identified in Founding Stories Civic Power: We harness civic power by demonstrating spirit, discipline, purpose, and pride
Futility: The belief there is nothing that one person can do against the enormous array of the world’s ills. CIVIC DANGERS: Expediency: The notion that “hopes and beliefs” must bend before immediate necessities. Timidity: Lack of courage. Comfort: Temptation to follow the easy and familiar paths.
CIVIC CAPABILITIES PART ONE (skills of idealism):
CIVIC CAPABILITIES PART TWO: Civic Leadership: working on teams, leading initiatives, participating in extra leadership opportunities Civic Tools: attending workshops, tutoring, listening to speakers Civic Literacy: keeping up with current events, “knowing your community”