Cell Biology Prokaryotic Cell –Small ~ 1-2µm µm Max.? Min.? –No Nucleus –Little Internal Structure –Some are Motile –Unicellular or Cluster Eukaryote μm
Nanobacteria 0.1 μm 10 4 – 10 5 /ml Ocean waters 0.15 μm minimum size?
Always Exceptions? Max? E. fishelsoni - 600µm Multiple genomes
Cell Shapes Bacillus Coccus Spirillum Spirochetes Appendaged
Cell Clusters Pairs – Diplo… Diplococcus Chains – Strepto.. Streptococcus Others – Staphylococcus
Cytoplasmic Membrane Phospholipid Bilayer No Sterols Bacteria & Eukaryotes Ester linkages Archaea Ether linkage Lipid monolayer Thermophiles
Membrane Function Diffusion –osmotic pressure Selective Permeability Transport Proteins Simple Transport – proton motive force
Group Translocation Glucose PEP Pyruvate Glucose PO4 Transport linked to first step of Glycolysis
ABC System Transport Periplasmic-binding protein Membrane-spanning protein Kinase
Export Translocase Signal sequence Exoenzymes Toxins
Bacterial Cell Wall Peptidoglycan, Murein Layer n-acetylglucosamine n-acetylmuramic acid 1-4 Linkage Peptide Cross Links
Diaminopimelic acid - all G- Lysine - most G+ d-Alanine, d-Glutamic acid
Gram Positive Cell Wall Multi-Track layer 25 layers Teichoic Acid Lysozyme Protoplast Autolysins
Teichoic –Lipoteichoic acid
Gram PositiveGram Negative
Gram Negative Envelope Outer Membrane Lipopolysaccharides Peptidoglycan Periplasmic space Cytoplasmic Membrane
Gram Negative Outer Membrane Lipopolysaccharides Endotoxins Pyrogens -Lipid A Core Polysaccharide O Polysaccharide Porins Periplasmic Space
Archaea Cell Wall Pseudopeptidoglycan Β 1-3 linkages N acetyltalosaminuronic acid S-Layer - most common
Prokaryotic DNA Closed Circles E. coli chromosome has 4.6 million Bases Supercoiled Haploid Sometimes Plasmids
Outer Surface Flagella Pili - Fimbriae Capsule Slime Layer Glycocalyx
Flagella Polar flagella Lophotrichous Peritrichous flagella Flagellin Self Assembly
Inclusion Bodies Poly- - Hydroxybutyric Acid Glycogen
Polyphosphate –Metachromatic granules Sulfur
Magnetosomes Varied morphology
Gas Vesicles Protein coat
Endospores Most Resistance Cell Withstand Boiling Formed in Cells Contains Calcium dipicolinic Acid 10% Bacillus & Clostridium
Endospores need 200 genes May live? 250 million years
Taxis Chemotaxis Tumbles – Runs Phototaxis Magnetotaxis Gliding? Twitching
Eukaryotic Cells Contains Organelles Nucleus Mitochondria Chloroplasts
Endosymbiotic Theory
Cell Biology Word List Prokaryotic m Transport Cell Shape 600 m Max? Proteins BacillusCytoplasmicGroup CoccusMembraneTranslocation SpirillumPhospholipidsCell Wall SpirocheteBilayerPeptidoglycan AppendagedSterolsN-acetyl- Strepto, Diplo,Archaeaglucosamine Staphylo.Ether-linksN-acetyl- Size?Permeabilitymuramic acid
Cell Biology Word List 2 PeptideArchaeaCore Poly- Cross-linksPseudo-saccharide Diamino-peptidoglycanPorins pimelic acidGram -Periplasmic D-AlanineLipopoly- Space 1-4 linkage saccharideAutolysin Gram+OuterProkaryotic Teichoic acid Membrane DNA LysozymeEndotoxinClosed Circles ProtoplastLipid A4.6X10 6 Bases
Cell Biology Word List 3 SupercoiledPhototaxisAcid HaploidMagnetotaxisGlycogen PlasmidsPili, FimbriaePoly- FlagellaCapsule, phosphate Polar FlagellaGlycocalyxMetachromatic PeritrichousSlime layer granules FlagellinInclusionSulfur Self-Assembly BodiesMagnetosomes Chemotaxis Poly- - Gas Vesicles Tumbles-RunshydroxybutyricEndospores
Cell Biology Word List 4 EndosporesEndosymbiotic DipicolinicTheory Acid Eukaryotic Organelles Nucleus Mitochondria Chloroplasts