Health Awareness Presentation 2005 West Middle Island Elementary School Exercise and recreation are as necessary as reading, I will rather say more necessary, because health is worth more than learning. - Thomas Jefferson PTA Meeting Monday, March 14, 2005
Adult habits regarding physical activity are established in childhood. Our hand-outs include things you can do at home to help foster healthy eating habits and promote physical activity for your children (10 Tips).
Benefits of Health and Physical Education Besides making you feel better and creating a positive body image, health and physical activity can: Raise levels of endorphins, which improves a students ability to concentrate and learn. Raise levels of endorphins, which improves a students ability to concentrate and learn. Cause active adolescents to be less likely to drop out of school, attempt suicide, or adopt risk-taking behaviors. Cause active adolescents to be less likely to drop out of school, attempt suicide, or adopt risk-taking behaviors.
Health and Physical Education at West Our Health curriculum addresses the physical, emotional, intellectual, social, and ethical dimensions of health. Our Health curriculum addresses the physical, emotional, intellectual, social, and ethical dimensions of health. It develops health knowledge, attitudes, and skills tailored to each age level for which it is designed. It develops health knowledge, attitudes, and skills tailored to each age level for which it is designed. It motivates and assists students in establishing healthy habits, reducing health-related risk behaviors, and preventing disability and disease. It motivates and assists students in establishing healthy habits, reducing health-related risk behaviors, and preventing disability and disease.
Health and Physical Education at West Two 30 minute Physical Education sessions per week. Two 30 minute Physical Education sessions per week. Health curriculum includes HealthSmart program and VITAL program. Health curriculum includes HealthSmart program and VITAL program. Physical Education 20 minutes per day on non-gym days. Physical Education 20 minutes per day on non-gym days. Teachers have been using videos, walks around the building, audiotapes, and in-class exercise. Teachers have been using videos, walks around the building, audiotapes, and in-class exercise. Encourage students to bring healthy snacks on a daily basis. Encourage students to bring healthy snacks on a daily basis.
Thank you for your time and have a nice night!