1 Green Mountain Power Corporation Multi-Attribute Decision Making Workshop Document Integrated Resource Planning 2007 – Attributes used Today in Electric Resource Plans La Capra Associates, Inc February 12, 2007 Preliminary and Confidential: For Internal Discussion Only
2 Attributes Revenue Requirement related –Price –Rates –Risks –NPV Revenue Requirements Non-Revenue Requirement related –Environmental –Reliability –Financial Feasibility –Community Impact –Etc.
3 Options to Incorporate the Other Attributes Secondary Other attributes such as environmental impacts are subordinate to cost attributes, acting only as tie breakers Monetization Converts Everything to an economic or cost basis during analysis phase Factors all these into Societal NPV Risk Profiles Scorecard Systems Assigns points to each attribute and their level of results, trade-offs effected decided early in analysis Points could be based on absolute attribute values or relative values to other options being considered Total Points used to make decision Trade-off Analysis Explicit numerical values not assigned to attributes Results of all attributes considered for implicit and explicit trade-offs at time of decision as opposed to time of analysis
4 Sampling of Attributes Employed in Decision Making
5 Observations Use of multiple attributes is more common than the commoditization of electricity would imply Trade-offs are made somewhere in decision making or decision support process (analysis) Trade-offs most visible if incorporated during the decision process