Mechanical Measurement and Instrumentation MECN 4600 Professor: Dr. Omar E. Meza Castillo Department of Mechanical Engineering Inter American University of Puerto Rico Bayamon Campus
Syllabus Catalog Description: Analysis of measurement fundamentals. Emphasis on instrument types, characteristics, instrumentation diagrams and statistical analysis of measurement. Study of mechanical and electrical sensors. Emphasis on pressure, level, temperature and flow gauges, and other non conventional measures. Application of computerized techniques for measuring, signal conditioning and data acquisition in industrial processes and electromechanical systems. Prerequisites: ENGR 3200 – Probability and Statistics, ENGR 3360 – Fundamentals of electronics. Course Text: Figiola, R. S. and Beasley, D. E., Theory and Design for Mechanical Measurements 4th Ed., John Wiley & Sons, 2005.
Syllabus Absences: On those days when you will be absent, find a friend or an acquaintance to take notes for you or visit the web page. Do not call or send an e-mail the instructor and ask what went on in class, and what the homework assignment is. Homework assignments: Homework problems will be assigned on a regular basis. Problems will be solved using the Problem-Solving Technique on any white paper with no more than one problem written on one sheet of paper. Homework will be collected when due, with your name written legibly on the front of the title page. It is graded on a 0 to 100 points scale. Late homework (any reason) will not be accepted.
Syllabus Problem-Solving Technique: Known Find Assumptions Schematic Analysis, and Results Quiz : There are several partial quizzes during the semester. Partial Exams and Final Exam: There are three partial exams during the semester, and a final exam at the end of the semester.
Syllabus Laboratory Reports: There seven or eight experimental laboratories throughout the semester. Laboratory reports must be submitted by each group, one week after the experiment is done. The report must be written in English, in a professional format. Final Project: At the beginning of the semester each group will select a project. It will include instrumentation and calibration of sensor.
Course Grading The total course grade is comprised of homework assignments, quizzes, partial exams, final exam, and a project as follows: Homework 15% Quiz 15% Partial Exam (3) & Final Exam 25% Laboratory Reports 25% Final Project 20% 100% Cheating: You are allowed to cooperate on homework by sharing ideas and methods. Copying will not be tolerated. Submitted work copied from others will be considered academic misconduct and will get no points.
Course Materials Most Course Material (Course Notes, Handouts, and Homeworks) on WebPage of the course Power Point Lectures will posted every week or two Office Hours: Monday and Wednesday @ 9:00 to 10:30 PM Email:
Tentative Lecture Schedule Topic Lecture Basic Principles of Measurements Response of Measuring Systems, System Dynamics Error & Uncertainty Analysis 1, 2 and 3 Sensor & Transducers Basic Electronics, Signal Processing 4 Measurement of Pressure 5 Measurement of Temperature 6 Measurement of Fluid Flow 7 Measurement of Level 8 Measurement of Stress-Strain 9 Measurement of Time Constant 10
Reference Figliola, R. S. and Beasley, D. E., Theory and Design for Mechanical Measurements, 3th Ed., John Wiley & Sons, 2000. Wheeler A.J. and Ganji Ahmed, Introduction to Engineering Experimentation 2nd Ed., Pearson Prentice Hall, 2008. Holman, J. P., Experimental Methods for Engineers, 7th. Ed., McGraw-Hill, 2001. Beckwith, Marangoni, and Lienhard, Mechanical Measurements, 5th Ed., Addison-Wesley, 1993. Smith, C. A. and Corripio, A. B., Principles and Practice of Automatic Process Control, 2nd Ed., John Wiley & Sons, 2006. Spitzer, D. W., Flow Measurement: Practice Guides for Measurement and Control, ISA, 2001, Electronic references of Instrumentation, from
Introduction and Basic Concepts One thing you learn in science is that there is no perfect answer, no perfect measure. A. O. Beckman Topic 1: Measurements Introduction and Basic Concepts
To review the basic concepts of measurement. Course Objectives To review the basic concepts of measurement.
Significance of Measurement The primary objective in any measurement system is to establish the value or the tendency of some variable. Measurement provides quantitative information on the actual state of the physical variables and processes that otherwise could only be estimated. Significant Results of Measurements are Fundamental data for research, design and development, Basic input data for control of processes and operations, Data for safe and economic performance of systems.
General Measurement System Detector-transducer or sensor stage Intermediate or signal conditioning stage Terminating or readout stage Feedback control stage (optional) These stages form the bridge between the input to the measurement system and the system output, a quantity that is used to infer the value of the physical variable measured. The relationship between the input information and the system output is established by a calibration.
Components of a General Measurement System
Components of a General Measurement System Detector-transducer or sensor stage: The physical variable to be measured is detected. Signal is transformed into more usable form. Insensitive to every other possible input. Minimize loading error. Intermediate or signal processing stage: The transduced signal is modified by one or more basic operations, such as amplification, filtering, differentiation, integrating or averaging, etc. Terminating or readout stage: Acts to indicate, record or control the variable being measured. Output may be analog or digital. Feedback control stage: In those measurement systems involved in process control, feedback control stage contains a controller that interprets the measured signal and makes a decision regarding the control of the process.
Calibration Calibration affords the opportunity to check the instrument against a known standard and subsequently to reduce errors in accuracy. Example: Calibration of a flow-meter Comparison with a standard flow-measurement facility. Comparison with a flow-meter of known accuracy, which is higher than the instrument to be calibrated. Using indirect measurements e.g. weighing certain amount of water in a tank and recording the time elapsed for this quantity to flow.
Due, Tuesday, January 29, 2013 Homework1 WebPage Omar E. Meza Castillo Ph.D.