Lauren Tidwell – President Amy Bailey – Vice President Sara Robertson – Secretary Kasyn Ryan – Campaign Manager GROUP MEMBERS
Keep social security We fill if we pay for it, we should receive it. If both parents die, it should be passed down to their children. Instead of letting government keep it. SOCIAL SECURITY
Medicare We feel Medicare is benefitting the nation Make it were it covers more for the elderly, they have worked hard for their money and should be benefitted well for their hard work. Medicaid Monitor to make sure the people on it are attempting to provide for themselves. If the person is using all government funding, do not allow them to be on medicaid, because they are receiving funding. MEDICARE & MEDICAID
Do not allow gay marriage to become legal God created every man and woman to many someone of the opposite sex We will not judge that is a person’s decision, but we do not support the cause. GAY MARRIAGE
Insurance should cover more of doctor’s visits, medicines, etc. Feel if citizens pay for it, it should cover more expenses. HEALTH CARE
Increase background/ mental health checks Limit number of bullets sold in a case Limit guns that should only be used for military purposes to just the military. GUN CONTROL
Children should not be punished for the parents decisions, when the parents are just wanting to give them a better life and opportunities. Make it easier to become a U.S. citizen If they are living in the U.S. and providing to economy they need to have the opportunity to become a citizen and pay taxes. If they do not do so they will be deported back to original country. IMMIGRATION
A life is a life, there is no need to kill an innocent child That is one of God’s children and no matter what stage of pregnancy that child should not be killed. There is adoption if parent or parents cannot provide for child. It is murdering a child If you make the choice to take part in actions that cause pregnancy, should take responsibility for actions. ABORTION
More financial support, make it a priority Raise salary’s for teachers Encourage more citizens to go to college to get higher paying jobs. Do not allow drop outs EDUCATION
More strict littering importance Preserving habitats for animals Place filters on cars/trucks to prevent carbon emissions ENVIRONMENT
Focus on problems in U.S. Limit the money U.S. borrows from other countries, to decrease debt. If another country needs U.S.’s help, do what we can but not get too involved. FOREIGN AFFAIRS
Everyone should have the same tax percentage Write a bill to get it approved by congress Lower taxes on groceries Tax more on the following alcohol, cigarettes, tobacco, etc. TAXES
Lower prices of gas and goods If you can change these taxes more people will buy it and it will help our economy raise money. Lower tuition and place more importance on education. THE ECONOMY