1. Finny shows that he is morally superior to Gene. Finny risks his life to save Gene!
2. The relationship between Gene and Finny is getting more and more dangerous as Gene becomes more and more jealous of Finny. Gene is closer to losing his morals/soul
3. He follows his own moral rules – his own personal sense of right and wrong. If you make the rules, it’s easy to follow them – plus you will always win at your own rules – not going to make rules you can’t follow. (At least this is what Gene thinks is true about Finny)
4. Finny likes to play for the pure enjoyment of the game – a good game of fun competition. He is not interested in who’s better – him or his opponent. (says they are short) Gene has to be number one – he has to beat Finny.
5. He feels that they will be destroyed by the war if they are not properly prepared for it – strenuous games are needed Are the headmasters destroying the boys by letting them have so much freedom? Do these boys still need adult guidance? Can they remain innocent if left to rule themselves?
6. A sudden “lightning” attack Gene’s sudden, out-of-the-blue attack on Finny Other surprise attacks as well
7. He won’t accept the ball – foreshadowing how when faced with controversy or challenges, he won’t want to accept them either.
8. Is the game a reflection of life? Is everyone an enemy in life? Is Finny’s best friend also his worst enemy?
9. World War II Churchill, Stalin, Roosevelt Rations Short on labor long on jobs Trains are late and full War is far away People cry Wastefulness is immoral Unpatriotic to enjoy yourself Prevailing color is olive drab Strange names/places fill the newspapers
10. Finny is morally superior once again – you’re too good to be true! Gene would want everyone to know what he did – that he’s the best Finny doesn’t need notoriety – just personal satisfaction
11. Sportsmanship awards Showed tremendous loyalty to the class Finny is above rivalry – but Gene isn’t
12. He starts to wonder if Finny is faking his own goodness – does he have ulterior motives for what he does? Gene wants to believe that Finny is a little underhanded so his own underhandedness isn’t so bad.
13. Their athleticism – Finny glides, Gene pants to keep up Gene wants order and Finny likes chaos Finny is open – what do you dislike about me? And Finny tells Gene how much he likes him. Finny praises Gene – they’re all looking at you Finny did everything he could think of for Gene to make the day memorable
Chapter 4
1. The swim at night – in Chapter 3 –Gene is rejected from the water – the waves throw him back out onto the beach –The water accepts Finny and he swims for an hour –The water is pure and good and thus Finny is in his native element while bad Gene is not.
1. Morning swim – in Chapter 4 –Day, ocean, and Finny start out “dead” and then become alive again and pure like the shores of Eden. –Finny is like Lazarus, born again by the grace of God. –Finny is purified in the morning swim - baptized in goodness
2. Gene thinks Finny is wasting his time so that Gene won’t be head of the class and Finny will be better than him. In reality, Finny is wasting Gene’s time just so Gene will have some fun and not be so stressed out. When he realizes Gene needs to study, he wants him to stay and study.
3. If Finny is trying to destroy his academic studies, then Finny is not morally superior to Gene but even with Gene. Finny will not beat Gene.
4. Chet Chet studies for the love of learning Gene studies to get good grades and for the recognition of being first in this class.
5. If Leper was on a sinking ship, he’d drown – paralyzed by fear (He won’t jump, he won’t accept the ball in blitzball, etc)
6. When he realizes that Finny is really “too good to be true,” he knows that he is losing the battle between them. Finny is a better person…so…Gene must destroy his enemy to stay on top.
7. Finny wants to jump side by side as equals Gene’s fear is gone when he pushes Finny out of the tree because he has now destroyed his enemy. Finny caused his fear – fear about what kind of person he was – and so he destroys the origin of his fear Also – now he knows he is bad – doesn’t fear it anymore