Crocodiles By Michael Martin
Adaptations Physical traits-Crocodiles have plated armor made in its is green with sharp teeth They can run up to 11mph and swim up to 20mph
Ecosystem/Habitat It lives in tropical and subtropical regions. It lives in slow moving rivers and grassy swamp it is hot and wet.
Fish, frogs, deer, buffalo. It is a carnivore it eats meat. It is a prey and predator because we hunt it for game.
Learned behaviors and inherited traits It learned to swim trap jump out of the water and hold its breath. It inherited some very sharp teeth armor plating long tail and short legs.
Facts Crocodiles hold their mouths open and when a bird lands in their mouth it snaps shut. It can be long as 12 feet. Crocodiles have the strongest bite in the world. Crocodiles have sharp teeth. Crocodiles can survive a long time with out food.
Food chain