The Batmobile and Centrifuge November 11, 2011
Members (from left to right): Rachel Bevill, Brae Bower, Samantha Cherbonneau, Professor Ahmadi, Anthony Contreras
Samantha Cherbonneau Biomedical Engineering Brunswick, ME Rachel Bevill Biomedical Engineering Merrimack, NH Brae Bower Biomedical Engineering Baltimore, MD Anthony Contreras Biomedical Engineering Chaparral, NM
Design a robot that will move along a specific path, guided by rear wheels and front sensors Implement a program that codes for the forward movement of the robot along a black curved line, the execution of a U-turn at the end of the line, following the path back to the start 2m Start Finish
ECE class webpage (design and sample coding) Marjan (GTA) and Professor Ahmadi Parts -2 front wheel rims without rubber - 4 back wheels with rubber - 1 front axel, 1 back axel - handyboard - 2 analog light sensors - 2 motors - Lego body
Original Avoid extra weight Minimal LEGOs used Small holes in the body of the robot
Rear-wheel driven Handyboard directly over rear axel Body built around the handyboard Robot not perfectly parallel to the ground
void main() { int sensor3 = analog(3); int sensor4 = analog(4); int I=0; while (start_button()==0); while (I<2) //repeat until I is less than two { sensor3 = analog(3); sensor4 = analog(4); printf("\n L: %d, R: %d", sensor3, sensor4); if (sensor3<200 && sensor4<200) //both sensors are on white { printf ("\n F"); motor(1,20); motor(3,20);} else if (sensor3 200) //if sensor 3 on white and sensor 4 on black then turn right {printf ("\n right"); ao(); motor (1,60); motor(3,-30);} else if (sensor3>200 && sensor4<200) //if sensor 4 on white and sensor 3 on black then turn left {printf ("\n left"); ao(); motor (1,-30); motor (3,60);} else if (sensor3>200 && sensor4>200) //if both on black do a u-turn {ao(); motor(1,60); motor(3,-60); sleep(.68); I++;} //add to I count once completed } ao(); //once count has reached 2 turn all motors off } b8f78130&attid=0.1&disp=safe&zw&saduie=AG9B_P9LYep2Zv6WwI0V2KiBZcdD&sadet= &sads=clssNCwYI-3qbwj6sytgJTrmTn8
Brae B., Samantha C.Rachael B., Samantha C., Anthony C.
Build the robot - General body - Axels and wheels (adjustments) Program Coding (adjustments)
Handyboard (ports, sensors, motors) Program Coding Miscommunication Teamwork
Batmobile’s design Batmobile’s speed
Machine Uses centrifugal force (forces moving outward from a central origin) in accelerated form Separate substances (densities, removing moisture, gravitational effects) Uses - Remove elements from blood for cell-free plasma or serum analysis -Separating liquid components, protein-bound or antibody bound molecules
Components - rotor -drive shaft and motor -centrifuge chamber -power switch -time, speed control, brake -protective shield
Based upon previous centrifuge design Several gears Simple swing design Stability
void main() { int speed = 0; float separation_time=1.0; float ramp_time=0.5; while (start_button()== 0) {printf("\nPress start to begin");} while (start_button() == 1) { while(1) {sleep(3.0); printf("\n mixed value=%d", analog(6)); {motor(3,40);//ramping up sleep(2.0); motor(3,60); sleep(2.0); motor(3,80); //ramped up sleep(2.0); motor(3,100); //full speed sleep(12.0); motor(3,80); //ramping down sleep(2.0); motor(3,60); sleep(2.0); motor(3,40); sleep(2.0); motor(3,0); sleep(9.0);} //ramped down ao(); while (1) { sleep(3.0); printf(“\n water value=%d”, analog (6)); } while (1) { sleep(3.0); printf(“\n oil value=%d, analog(6)); }
Trial # Sensor Reading (before separation ) Sensor Reading (after separation) Ramp UP Time (s) Time to Separat e (s) Ramp DOW N Time (s) OILWATER Base Reading Values: Water-127 ; Oil-180; Mix-157
Compose a code program through Interactive C Trial and error Check program coding Communication Teamwork Improvement Speed Adjustment More accurate timing of the U-turn
Marjan Nabili Professor Ahmadi