Harker Lower School Athletics Fall Sports Parent Meeting
LS/MS Athletics Administration Theresa Smith, LS/MS Athletic Director (BLD) Karriem Stinson, Assistant LS/MS Athletic Director (BKN) Brighid Wood, Assistant to the Athletic Directors (BLD)
Registration/Release Form Online registration available in August for the entire school year Also available quarter by quarter NO child can participate without a Release of Liability form on file Forms must be completed and turned into Athletic Administrative Staff immediately
Practice Expectations MANDATORY PRACTICES: Tuesday and Wednesday Practice occurs EVERYDAY. We want student-athletes to come to practice whenever possible EXCEPT: SWIMMING (Tuesday and Thursday) Homework or outside activities (beside club sports) are not an excuse to skip mandatory practices If your child is injured, we want them to still attend mandatory practices. Doctor’s appointments, Dentist appointments, and outside activities MUST BE scheduled outside of mandatory practice times.
Game Days Early Dismissal: Dismissal times for competitions are ed home to parents and students the week prior to competition Students must communicate with teachers for assignments and makeups AFTER Away Competitions: A parent may take their child home from an away competition ONLY after signing out with their coach.
Game Schedules/Sports Information Hard copies of game schedule available with your child’s coach Schedules are on the website Direct link available in the signature of Theresa Smith, Lower School and Middle School Athletics Director Weekly comes out on Thursday’s for the following week’s activities Reminder s also come out day of game/contest
Team Parents Volunteer – sign up today with your child’s coach Help with snack schedule for matches Help with team party Parent Roles Be a POSITIVE spectator. Cheer for HARKER. Please be prompt at pick-up times Let the coaches coach, officials officiate, and the players play.
Parent/Coach Communication WHEN PROBLEMS ARISE: 1 st : Student communicates with Coach 2 nd : Parent communicates with Coach 3 rd : Parent to Athletic Director (Theresa Smith or Karriem Stinson) If any parental concerns (ie. Playing time) come up during the course of competition, please do not approach the coach during or directly following the competition.
Flag Football JVB Flag Football (5 th Grade) Coaches: Mike Delfino Tobias Wade Kristian Tiopo Intramural Flag Football (4 th Grade) Coaches: Ken Allen Joe Mentillo Jim McGovern
Swimming Lower School Swim Team Coaches Melissa Dondero – Head Coach Andrew Booth Sachi Ujifusa
Softball JVA Girls Softball (6 th /5 th /4 th Grade) Coaches: Vanessa Rios Maria Maldonado Intramural Girls Softball (4 th Grade) Coaches: Karriem Stinson
Thank you for coming! GO EAGLES!!