Clerks Area Briefing South Kent - Ashford, Shepway, Dover 23 June 2014 Welcome
Agenda 1.Welcome and Outline of the Meeting 2.Reconstitution a)Timeline b)Skills Audit c)GAP (Governor Appointments Panel) 3.Traded Services/SLA (Service Level Agreement) 4.CPD Online 5.In The News - General Updates 6.Questions/Items for the Next Agenda 7.Close.
Skills Based Appointments & Reconstitution All governors to be selected for the skills they bring Create a skills based profile for the GB - Some skills are identified in statutory guidance Identify the skills required for any vacancy prior to recruitment. Increased expectation for shared governance across more than one school – compare and contrast By September 2015 All maintained school governing bodies to have reconstitute under 2012 regulations Surplus governors removed on basis of skills rather than length of service Reconstitution - a tool to drive the quality and effectiveness of the GB.
The Core Membership 1 HT 1 Staff 1 LA 2 Parents minimum X Co-opted. As many at the GB require Foundation governors: VC minimum of 2 no more than ¼. VA 2 more than the total of all other governors. Be aware of Foundation schools without a foundation.
Diminution and Slotting 1 HT - no change 1 Staff - slot or diminution based on identified skill 1 LA - slot or diminution based on identified skill Governor Appointments Panel (GAP) - has a role Parents - 2 minimum. Slot or diminution based on identified skill Co-opted - New post, appointed on skills COMPLETELY NEW APPOINTMENT with a new term of office. Foundation – faith/ethos PLUS skills based
GAP – Governor Appointment Panel for Local Authority Governors Revised procedures for the appointment of LA Governors Existing LA Governors are not being re-appointed where there would be more than one LA Governor unless they are the Chair. Surplus LA Governors could be appointed to other GBs looking for their relevant skills
Procedure For Reconstitution Minute all discussions and decisions Agree a procedure for co-opting governors Submit copy of minutes for reconstitution with a breakdown of posts and categories - including lengths of terms of office To diocese 1 st if a faith school then to governor services with confirmation from the diocese. State in the minutes the date of effect - a date in the future to allow time to complete the process (3 to 6 months)
Barriers And Solutions How well prepared is your GB for these changes? What do you need to do next?
Which Governors Would Fit Where? Data – RAISE + in year PP+SEN, GT, CLA, EAL etc. Curriculum Assessment Policies - attendance, marking, SIP, SEF Appraisal Development Quality of – triangulation of data, work and observation. Policies - Teaching and learning, appraisal, general staffing, assessment etc Attendance Safeguarding Behaviour / Behaviour for learning Exclusions H&S E-Safety Child protection Vision - driving school improvement SEF, SIP HT appraisal Performance related pay SFVS - finance in general - are we getting value for money?
Delivering The Vision Review Recruit Retire...
Models of Governance What is the structure of your GB? Would your governing body be more effective with a different structure?
Illustration of a 2 Committee/Team Governor Profile Chair (1) Ht Governor (3) Resources Finance (4)Premises (5) Health & Safety (6) Child Protection (7) Teaching & Learning Data Champion (8) Staffing & PRP (9) Quality of Learning (10) SEN/AEN (11) Staff Governor (12) Vice Chair (2)Clerk
Illustration of a Whole Team Governor Profile Chair (1) HT Governor (3)Achievement (4) Pair (8) Teaching & Learning (5) Pair (9) Behaviour & safety (6) Pair (10) Leadership & Management (7) Pair (11) Vice Chair (2)Clerk
Recruitment of New Members Profile- SEF/SIP Identification of existing skills and reconstitution planning Right people around the table and associated activities Induction and training appropriate to position Annual evaluation of GB effectiveness
In The News … Freedom of information/ Subject Access Requests – and the use of personal addresses Succession Breeds Success – NCOGS publication dn.pdf
Traded Services Packages available via EduKent website Governor training and development. Clerking service Additional services this year: Costs attached to activities involving Governor Support Officer - Bespoke training, external review, FGB obs, 12 months minutes monitoring. Education SLA with Heads that can be used to buy the additional services - credits
CPD Online Plea to ensure details are accurate and up to date Regular review of the database – an expectation of your information management role! Rubbish in = Rubbish out changes to
Thank You for Attending