Leadership Game By: Matt Strandskov PLAY
You are the leader of a small band of explorers that was exploring a new land but you are lost. You must lead your group back to your ship before it leaves. You have three choices of where to go, the plains, the forest, and the lake. PlainsForestLake
Plains It is night time and you have to decide on whether you are going to set up camp for the night or keep walking until morning. Set up Camp Keep Walking
Forest Set up Camp It is night time and you have to decide on whether you are going to set up camp for the night or keep walking until morning. Keep walking
Lake You found a small wooden row boat at the edge of the lake. Do you take it to row across the lake or pass it up and walk around the lake? Row across in Boat Walk Around
Plains You and your team is exhausted from hiking through the night that one of the explorers doesn’t watch were they are walking and is bitten by a venomous snake and dies. Continue
Plains After getting some much needed rest you and your team continue to walk to the end of field. At the end of the field is a path through the forest. Do you take the path through the forest or do you continue to walk in the plains around the forest? ForestPlains
Forest While setting up camp two explorers look for fire wood. While away from camp they are attacked by a bear and both die. Continue
Forest After walking all night you find a suitable place to rest for awhile before you continue on but you are hungry so you forage for food. Continue
Lake You get to the other side of the lake. Everyone is hungry from the long walk. What should you do for food? Fish in the LakeForage in the Forest
Lake Continue You get to the middle of the lake and the boat starts taking on water through a leak. You are too far from shore to swim so you and your team all drown.
Plains You set up camp for the night and during the night a thunderstorm rolls in and one of the explorers is struck by lightning. Continue on the pathHead to an Oasis you see
Forest You walk down the path through the forest and you come to an oasis. Do you drink from the oasis or keep going? Oasis Keep Going
Forest While foraging for food you eat some poisonous mushrooms and everyone dies. Continue
Lake You catch a great deal of fish and you have your fill. You then continue through a path in the forest. Continue
You Lose The water in the oasis was tainted and it killed you and your team. Continue
You Win! You found your way back to the ship before it left without you. Continue
Feedback Try not to lose so many explorers. Try to take different paths. Try to think of possible consequences before you choose where you go. Play Again?
Feedback Try to win by taking another route. If you lost any explorers, try to win without losing any explorers. Play Again?