What is SNAP-Ed? Program implemented to help persons eligible for the Food Benefit Program to: Make healthy food choices within a limited budget Choose a physically active lifestyle Achieve & Maintain good health Avoid running out of food Prepare & store food safely
The Need… Over $1 Million paid in SNAP benefits (food stamps) to Kentuckians in 2010 KY Unemployment 10% KY poverty rate is 21% 923,220 Kentuckians are living in Poverty. 811,938 Kentuckians receive SNAP benefits. 1 in 7 Kentucky Families are now using a Food Bank. Only 26% of KY Adults eat 5 or more servings of fruits & vegetables per day in 2010.
Keep in mind… Nutrition education must be taught & can include food safety, food budgeting, importance of physical activity & other nutrition related topics. Audience must be SNAP-Ed recipients &/or eligibles. (receiving or eligible for food stamps) Hours will be categorized by: Direct (delivering message/lesson in person) Indirect (mailings, handouts, radio…) Administrative (supervising & training volunteers, paper work…)
Where to find SNAP-Ed audiences Schools & preschools with 50% free and reduced lunch Housing Authority Head Start Family resource center Senior Centers Commodity distribution locations Day camps Summer feeding sites WIC Farmer’s Markets Health Fairs Grocery Stores** *These are just a few ideas, each county is different. **Grocery Stores with monthly $50,000 food stamp redemption (see website)
What Can Agents Do??
FCS Agents MyPyramid.gov Super Star Chef Food Safety Food Prep Food Preservation Planning meals Reading labels Hand washing WIN in KY Grocery Store Displays Farmers market demos LEAP Backpack Program Newsletters, news articles, radio programs Supervising SNAP assistants Master Food Volunteers
ANR/Hort Agents (Emphasize the importance of fruits and veggies) Gardening Programs (including container & community) Farmers Markets Radio programs, news articles, & newsletters Food Safety Grilling Programs (teach about different cuts of meat & food safety)
4-H/Youth Development Agents Nutrition Education MyPyramid.gov JIFF Captain Fit Power Panther We Can Professor Popcorn
Fine Arts Agent Incorporate nutrition education into fine arts programming. Theater Songs Dance Visual Arts Resources available include: LEAP, Professor Popcorn, JIFF
County Paid Program Assistants LEAP Professor Popcorn Food Champion Volunteer Program WIN in Ky JIFF Backpack Program
Volunteers (Agents can count time supervising & training volunteers BUT CANNOT count the volunteer time for themselves.) LEAP Professor Popcorn Food Champion Volunteer BackPack program Super Star Chef Summer feeding Assisting qualified 4-H Clubs Grocery Store Displays (Volunteers must fill out their own volunteer time sheet)
Agent Commitment Form (also use this for County Paid Assistants)
Volunteer Commitment Form
Volunteer Reporting Form
How to Report SNAP-Ed Hours Agents~report on CATPAWS-by 10 th of following month. County Paid Assistants~report on CATPAWS-by 10th of following month. Volunteers ~report events using volunteer reporting form.* * Mailed by Agent to: UK Nutrition Education Program 1 Quality St Lexington, KY 40507
Resources and Answers to Questions… Nutrition Education Program Resources: Downloadable Displays NEPieces Curriculum & Publications Power Point Presentations List of approved Grocery Stores FAQ’s Visit: Bi-Monthly Newsletters: Food & Nutrition Calendar