ABORIGINAL HISTORY Aborigine's people are the original people of Australia. For 40 thousand years they have lived on the continent. They have lived clans or groups based on their family. They are the hunters and the food gatherers. The Aborigines people spent their time telling myths, making music, singing songs, dancing and making visual arts. Their arts include rock painting, sand painting and bark painting. That not all the painting they did, they also painted designs on objects like shields, boomerangs, and painted on their bodies for dance ceremonies and rituals.
WHY ABORIGINAL ART IS VERY UNIQUE This type of art is very unique because it represents symbols or texts that tell a specific thing. Usually aboriginal art is drawn in cave and places were people at the time lived. I think aboriginal art is very unique because it’s really different from every other culture/art since it only uses either lines and/or dots to represent something.
HOW DOES THE ENVIRONMENT OF THE CULTURE INFLUENCE THEIR ARTISTIC CREATION? The environment is very connected to aboriginal art. When they first started the art they used mud on cave walls to do pictures. They used symbols to tell stories. The Aboriginals are very cultural people. Their cultural dress is very connected to the environment as well. Most of their materials which they use are from the environment. They use mud and they even drew pictures in the sand.