Geospatial World Forum 2013 INSPIRE Past-Present-Future Henk Scholten CEO Geodan
>WHY INSPIRE >INSPIRE >Past >Present >Future >Geodan and INSPIRE Contents
>Why INSPIRE >INSPIRE Past >INSPIRE Present >INSPIRE Future >Geodan and INSPIRE Contents
>Combining datasets of EU member states >“One Language” (object definition, semantics) + “One Map” (cartography) Why INSPIRE
>Why INSPIRE >INSPIRE Past >INSPIRE Present >INSPIRE Future >Geodan and INSPIRE Contents
>INSPIRE in the Netherlands… >IDEFIX project >National Clearinghouse Geo Information (NCGI) project >Failure because of many reasons, e.g. >No legal pressure >No budgets after project phase Past
>Directive 2007/2/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 14 March 2007 establishing an Infrastructure for Spatial Information in the European Community (INSPIRE) was published in the official Journal on the 25th April The INSPIRE Directive entered into force on the 15th May 2007 >Legal pressure helps to implement and maintain an National Spatial Data Infrastructure >Implementing an SDI helps to make decisions in discussions on e.g. open data and implementation of common core datasets and webservices Past
>Why INSPIRE >INSPIRE Past >INSPIRE Present >INSPIRE Future >Geodan and INSPIRE Contents
>Realisation of PDOK National Spatial Data Infrastructure for the Netherlands (is also the INSPIRE portal for the Netherlands) >Operational since 2011 >Catalog service (CS-W) >View services (WMS, WMTS) >Download services (WFS, WCS) >Geocoding services (OpenLS) >See Present (PDOK)
>Powered By INSPIRE Conference >Bruxelles 4+5th march 2013 >Combining INSPIRE webservices of 4 member states (NL, GE, BE, UK) >Focus on the User Perspective 4 International Use Cases >Harmonization of data and visualization is crucial! >See Present (PoweredByInspire)
>Why INSPIRE >INSPIRE Past >INSPIRE Present >INSPIRE Future >Geodan and INSPIRE Contents
>Harmonization takes (too) long… (2017, 2020) Harmonization takes (too) long…
>Stimulate the use of INSPIRE services Stimulate the use of INSPIRE services
>MORE data! >Base datasets = Annex 1 and Annex 2 >Thematic datasets (environment) = Annex 3 >Also datasets for safety and security (e.g. positions of water hydrants, security camera’s, …) >Maybe INSPIRE Annex IV… Future (more data)
>Safety and Security does not stop at the border… >50km safety zone around the Netherlands Future (more data)
>More OPEN data! >Current INSPIRE datasets often closed datasets (especially download services) >Stimulate open data in de EU Member states >Open Dat is the first step to Linked Open Data! Future (open data)
>Connect the Data! >Linked Open Data (LOD) >INSPIRE datasets made available via (Geo)SPARQL >OGC GeoSparql standard ( Future (Linked Open Data)
>Linked Open Data – What is it? Future (Linked Open Data)
>Realtime data! >Annex III themes environmental data >Use OGC SWE Standards to publish realtime data e.g. weather data or air quality data >Sensor Observation Services Future (realtime data)
>Why INSPIRE >INSPIRE Past >INSPIRE Present >INSPIRE Future >Geodan and INSPIRE Contents
Geodan INSPIRE Services
>PDOK design and implementation >INSPIRE Helpdesk staff >Support in Powered By Inspire Conference INSPIRE Related projects by Geodan >EuroGeoNames >EuroGeoSource >European Spatial Data INfrastructure (ESDIN) Geodan and INSPIRE
Geodan President Kennedylaan MB Amsterdam (NL) Tel: +31 (0)20 – Fax: +31 (0)20 – Web: Copyright © Geodan 2013 This document is provided for information purposes only and the information herein is subject to change without notice. Geodan does not provide any warranties covering and specifically disclaiming any liability in connection with this document. Geodan is a registered trademark. All other company and product names mentioned are used for identification only and may be trademarks of their respective owners. All pictures and illustrations are provided for information only and do not necessarily represent a realistic visualization of the services described in this document.