English Settlements In North America
Contributing factors to settlement: Defeated Spanish Armada 1588 English population growing & economy depressed Financing: joint-stock company
VIRGINIA “Let’s make some money!” Jamestown, May 1607 King James charted London Co. (later VA Co.) Early problems Indian attacks Famine, dysentery, malaria, “starving time” Gentlemen w/o physical work experience Some refused to work John Smith, Chief Powhatan, John Rolfe, Pocahontas Tobacco required large work force indentured servants (Headright System) slaves Transition to Royal Colony when taken over by James I 1624 Did not come over as families but single men
Bacon’s Rebellion, VA 1676 Backcountry unrest over control of trade and land ownership Gov. Berkeley refused to allow Bacon fur trade or help warding-off Indian attacks Bacon lead settlers against Indians and the colonial gov’t (burned Jamestown) **average people rebelling against authority** ** established need for African Slaves**
MASSACHUSETTS “Wanna get away…from the Church of England?” 1. Plymouth –Pilgrims (separatists) –1 st went to Holland (econ. & cultural differences) –1620 on Mayflower –Dropped anchor off Mass. –Help from Squanto & Somoset…1 st Thanksgiving 1621, never repeated –Mayflower Compact, 1620 Out of London Co. jurisdiction, no legal authority Self-government Early form of Constitution Est. powers and duties of the gov’t
Massachusetts Continued 2. Mass. Bay Company –Not so sep. from Church of England –Est. several different settlements (Boston, Cambridge, Concord, etc.) –“City upon a hill” –Successful Strong religiously Political hierarchy Social stability
CONNECTICUT Not as religious as Mass., but still Puritan Fundamental Order of Conn –3 towns pulling together to form one government New Haven Fund. & New Haven come together in 1662 to form Royal Colony of Conn.
RHODE ISLAND Open to other religious groups, inc. Judaism Roger Williams (sep. of church & state) Anne Hutchinson (hostile to Puritan law…theocracy) Anne Hutchinson and followers went North to found this colony in 1679 NEW HAMPSHIRE
New England Colonies
MARYLAND Catholic haven Had to bring Protestants for #s Maryland Toleration Act 1649 Lord Baltimore (land grant and freedom of rule) No Indian assaults, plagues, starving time like VA
CAROLINAS (North & South) Named after Charles II Anglican (Church of England) Northern settlers backwoodsy, subsistence farmers Southern settlers larger plantations, cash crop growers, connections w/ Barbados N and S split by King 1729
Midatlantic Colonies (Penn, NY, NJ, Delaware)
NEW NETHERLAND & NEW JERSEY Dutch, pressured from England, lost it 1674 New Netherland changed to New York Diversified population (Dutch, German, English, French, African, Scandinavian) Very diverse as well Became a colony from Carteret (poly friend of James II)
PENNSYLVANIA DELAWARE Lower 3 counties of Penn. split in 1703 William Penn Society of Friends/Quakers –More equality between sexes –democratic Set out to populate colony…diversity City of Brotherly Love (Philadelphia)
GEORGIA Anti-Catholic Military base for southern border of English America (against Spanish Florida & Indians) Strict rules stifled economic development