1 Intelligent Control in Wireles Networks Ingrid Moerman (iMinds)
2 FIRE/FIRE+ projects
3 Evolution of wireless experimenters Open up wireless testbeds (diverse) tools for experimentation Offer legacy + CR hardware methodologies for experimentation Fed4FIRE compliant wireless testbeds unified tools for experimentation fixed + portable testbeds Offer flexible radio hardware + software platforms radio and network control via UPIs Intelligent wireless network control flexible hardware + intelligent software dense heterogeneous and small cell networks end-to-end wireless connectivity
4 Intelligent (cognitive) loop plan / optimize sense, contextify sense, contextify flexible HW + SW flexible HW + SW learn configure decide policy
Local Control Program Local Monitoring & Configuration Engine APP NET MAC PHY TRANSPORT Global Control Program Global Monitoring & Configuration Engine UPI G UPI N UPI R Local Control Program Local Monitoring & Configuration Engine APP NET MAC PHY TRANSPORT UPI N UPI R Remote UPI usage UPI HC Radio platforms … SDRcustom Device specific (HW & SW platform), implemented by WiSHFUL Device independent (within device class), implemented by experimenter
Intelligence Composition Component Data Collection Component Action Component eWINE Intelligence Repository (data aggregation algorithms, intelligent algorithms & generic and showcase-specific action modules) WiSHFUL UPIs
7 Evolution of wireless experimenters Target experimentersChallenge Wireless network experts - simulation experiences to create a very easy entry point into the world of experimentation Wireless networks experts - some hands-on experience to offer further incentives to pursue hands-on initiatives Wireless network experts - development experience to offer a strong experimentation service and tools that would enable them to perform more sophisticated trials and/or scale existing ones. Developers of enterprise & consumer solutions to inform/educate them regarding the existing issues with wireless communications to explain the role experimental facilities may have to speed up their development cycles Usersto give access to wireless solutions in a realistic environment Regulatorsto inform/educate them regarding the existing issues with (dense) wireless communications in view of making informed decisions
8 Evolution of wireless experimenters Target experimentersChallenge Wireless network experts - simulation experiences to create a very easy entry point into the world of experimentation Wireless networks experts - some hands-on experience to offer further incentives to pursue hands-on initiatives Wireless network experts - development experience to offer a strong experimentation service and tools that would enable them to perform more sophisticated trials and/or scale existing ones. Developers of enterprise & consumer solutions to inform/educate them regarding the existing issues with wireless communications to explain the role experimental facilities may have to speed up their development cycles Usersto give access to wireless solutions in a realistic environment Regulatorsto inform/educate them regarding the existing issues with (dense) wireless communications in view of making informed decisions
9 Evolution of wireless experimenters Target experimentersChallenge Wireless network experts - simulation experiences to create a very easy entry point into the world of experimentation Wireless networks experts - some hands-on experience to offer further incentives to pursue hands-on initiatives Wireless network experts - development experience to offer a strong experimentation service and tools that would enable them to perform more sophisticated trials and/or scale existing ones. Developers of enterprise & consumer solutions to inform/educate them regarding the existing issues with wireless communications to explain the role experimental facilities may have to speed up their development cycles Usersto give access to wireless solutions in a realistic environment Regulatorsto inform/educate them regarding the existing issues with (dense) wireless communications in view of making informed decisions
10 Evolution of wireless experimenters Academia Entrepreneurs / SME ( / large industry) Users
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